Max-leveled in AC: Brotherhood? Your thoughts?


Shared on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 19:40

I love Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. It's immersive, beautiful, challenging, addictive, exciting, intense... And that's just the single-player campaign!

The fine folks at Ubisoft took something of a gamble with the stealth-style competitive multiplayer in Brotherhood. But, the first time I played it, I was hooked. I loved the focus on stealth and creativity in how you assassinated your targets and the manner in which you had to evade your pursuers. It seemed the antithesis of Call of Duty's adrenaline-pumping, kill-em-as-fast-as-you-can face shooting festival of Timmietude. The idea that I could win a match with only 3 or 4 kills made me approach the game differently...

Today, I'm at Level 49. (The level cap is 50.) And I feel much, much differently.

Brotherhood's multiplayer has devolved, it seems, into the same kind of Timmie-riddled wasteland as Call of Duty. It's all about wracking up as many kills as quickly as possible. It's about sprinting as fast as you can. It no longer matters if you're seen or followed or ambushed. You just respawn, sprint to your target, and stab them for an easy 100 points. Or, you somehow manage to get a 1000-point kill in the first 30 seconds of the game. I'm getting stunned instantaneously. And so on.

The lowest common denominator--namely, the sprinting, stab-happy Timmies--have taken over one of my favorite multiplayer experiences in videogames.

Or am I insane?

Am I just really bad at video games? Now that I'm Level 49 and playing with "the best" players in the game, maybe my skills just aren't up to par. That's something I'm willing to accept.

But I'm really interested to hear about your experiences with Brotherhood's multiplayer, especially those who have been playing since the game was launched. Have you noticed a change in the multiplayer? Or am I just whining about nothing?




CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 20:04
If I know one thing about multi-player... if it isn't co-op with friends, it's better to leave it alone. People will use the same armor, same weapon and same killer-move constantly right from the moment some joker post a vid of him doing it for the first time evah on You-tube (after which it becomes the only way to play the game.) Multi-player (competitive) for any game sux dick. The baseline idea for it is awesome, but the 'community' is about the worst thing that can happen to it.

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