Need Pokemon game recommendation


Shared on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 13:12

My six year-old son is sick. Not really bad sick, but worse than just the flu. Anyway, I wanted to get him something to cheer him up. He's an avid video game player and loves his DS. Lately he's been very curious about Pokemon. I personally have never played any Pokemon game. And neither has he. This would be his first Pokemon game. Could you guys recommend one or the other to get him started? Thanks!



bryanb1977's picture
Submitted by bryanb1977 on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 13:23
You tell him"Son you don't want Pokemon. Here have a playboy."
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 13:25
Ignorance speaking here... does it really matter which one you get him? pokemon for DS is pokemon for DS....
corbin_dallas's picture
Submitted by corbin_dallas on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 13:50
Just get him the new one that just came out. It's just like all the others....
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 14:17
I would agree with Corbin as to get him one of the new ones .... It has maybe over 60 + hours and that is not including the two story lines it has for you to play(Spoiler) Please let him choose either Heart Gold or Soul Silver ... Personally I choose Soul Silver, but that is just me ....
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 14:18
I have over 40 hours logged into my game and still not past the first 8 badges if that will tell you and this time does not really count if one hooks up to wifi with friends to trade pokemon
TheBookNerd's picture
Submitted by TheBookNerd on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 14:48
Thanks, everybody. I appreciate the recommendations. Unfortunately, he does not have the DSi. So I don't think his has wi-fi. But y'all have given me something to work with. Thanks again.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 17:39
All the DS's have wifi even the older ones ... you just have to have an open setting like McDonalds and any other place that has an open connection :)

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