Today was my Anniversary!


Shared on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 00:39

Today was my anniversary.  We've been married a long time and I'm glad. :)  Today we had nothing special planned.  He slept in most of the day because even on his days off he keeps night shift hours and he was up late playing Halo and such.  Today he called my cellphone and sang "Happy Anniversary!" on my voicemail.  I bought him a goofy card.  We took the kids to a park and sat on the swings and talked about our dreams while we watched our children and a friend play.  It was nice and we hadn't done that in a while.  He even climbed a little with the kids...swung a little...  and then we drove thru Dairy Queen for supper! *L*  He's awesome.  I love him very much.  And yes, I'm being incredibly sentimental.  So, sue me! :P

We've been thru a lot of hell together.  I don't know how much he wants me to share about all of that.  But I couldn't have asked for a better partner..a better friend..a better husband :) over...back to your regularly scheduled programming.... :P


supergg2k's picture
Submitted by supergg2k on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 11:46
Congratulations! Nothing wrong with being sentimental! Every month on the 10th, my wife and I celebrate the day we met. I proposed on September 10th and we got married on November 10th. It 's my way of making sure she knows I love her and will never take her for granted.
Kysr_Gal's picture
Submitted by Kysr_Gal on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 03:31
Happy Anniversary! Sounded like a very sweet and romantic evening. Sometimes the simpler types of celebrations are the best. p.s. your hair is so awesome.
SamBrick's picture
Submitted by SamBrick on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 04:17
Happy Anniversary and welcome to the site :-)
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 06:21
Happy Anniversary and congratulations on one more year.
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 07:50
Happy anniversary! And there's nothing wrong with 'sap'. After 39 years with the same wife, it's the not often enough 'sap' that has kept us together through good times and bad. Be glad, be very glad when those moments come and search for them when they don't show up on their own.
Spartacus's picture
Submitted by Spartacus on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 08:18
Hey, it's our anniversary today too! Well, knowing how timestamps get jimmied around here, we might still be a day apart, but you get the gist. Congrats. Ours is 22 years. And, yes, it's not always a smooth road, but one I'm convinced worth traveling. All that aside, I still think you're up to something . . .
TheFlame's picture
Submitted by TheFlame on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 18:32
Kysr_Gal: Thanks :) My daughter did it. Thank you, Sam and Devon. :) doorgunner, 39 years..that's wonderful! Its 15 for us :) Spartacus, Happy Anniversary to yall too then! And my hubby would prob say I'm ALWAYS up to something! :P super, that is so sweet!

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