Black Friday Booty


Shared on Fri, 11/23/2007 - 13:08
I just got back from shopping my store's Black Friday sale, and it took me all of 5 minutes to finish my shopping.  Wanna know how I did it?  I snagged all the games, movies, and CDs I wanted while I was working, and stashed them under the counter.  All I had to do was walk up, and ask for my giant pile.  Here's a list of my ill-gotten gain:

Assassin's Creed
Dead Rising
Firefly boxed set
Silent Hill movie
LOTR boxed set
"Tenacious D" LE CD "The Pick of Destiny"

I only spent 176.00 bucks after all the discounts were done.  I'm sorry I didn't grab those 24 boxed sets, but I might get them when I show up for work this afternoon.

Retail Therapy Report
Behind the counter I noticed a huge pile of the LOZ Phantom Hourglass/ DS bundles (gold w/Triforce emblem), a stack of the 360s bundled with Forza 2 and  Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and one lone 360 Elite bundled with the aforementioned games.  I have been gazing in reverence at this elite bundle resting regally in the stockroom for the last two days, I can't believe it wasn't sold at 5:00 AM.  There were no Wiis in sight, but several bundled and unbundled PS3s were languishing in their glass case.  I'm starting to feel bad for the poor things.  

Pardon me, I have to go assassinate some Templars, or maybe rule the world, or save a bunch of people in a zombie infested mall.  Decisions, decisions. 


Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 11/25/2007 - 00:48
I got the Logitech wheel for my 360 for 50% off. I thought that was pretty good.

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