UnForestero's blog


Shared on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 23:07

Back in the Saddle Again

After having to move over 300 miles, and wait for just the right rental situation; I am now able to use the internetz unfettered by certain relatives who thought I might be using all of the internet up.    I won't be satisfied until I can has broadband anywhere I want, but this will have to do.


Shared on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 23:07

Back in the Saddle Again

After having to move over 300 miles, and wait for just the right rental situation; I am now able to use the internetz unfettered by certain relatives who thought I might be using all of the internet up.    I won't be satisfied until I can has broadband anywhere I want, but this will have to do.


Shared on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 16:28

Retail Therapy

Retail Therapy Report

Dear Customers,
In this stressful holiday time, it's still important to be courteous to those around you. Simply because a person is behind a counter, does not give you right to be rude. The following is a quick list of holiday shopping "don'ts".

Don't spend the entire transaction on your cell phone arguing with your spouse or ordering food. You hold up the line trying to multi-task, and make me feel like I might as well be a goddamn U-Scan machine.


Shared on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 16:28

Retail Therapy

Retail Therapy Report

Dear Customers,
In this stressful holiday time, it's still important to be courteous to those around you. Simply because a person is behind a counter, does not give you right to be rude. The following is a quick list of holiday shopping "don'ts".

Don't spend the entire transaction on your cell phone arguing with your spouse or ordering food. You hold up the line trying to multi-task, and make me feel like I might as well be a goddamn U-Scan machine.


Shared on Thu, 12/13/2007 - 01:29

What do you do?

What do you do if someone you love and respect tells you they are dying? What if they were the very person you would turn to if you were going to lose someone near and dear to to you? There's no words, maybe if I purge myself online I'll let some of my pain and loss go. I don't know what to do.


Shared on Thu, 12/13/2007 - 01:29

What do you do?

What do you do if someone you love and respect tells you they are dying? What if they were the very person you would turn to if you were going to lose someone near and dear to to you? There's no words, maybe if I purge myself online I'll let some of my pain and loss go. I don't know what to do.


Shared on Fri, 11/23/2007 - 13:08

Black Friday Booty

I just got back from shopping my store's Black Friday sale, and it took me all of 5 minutes to finish my shopping.  Wanna know how I did it?  I snagged all the games, movies, and CDs I wanted while I was working, and stashed them under the counter.  All I had to do was walk up, and ask for my giant pile.  Here's a list of my ill-gotten gain:

Assassin's Creed
Dead Rising
Firefly boxed set
Silent Hill movie
LOTR boxed set
"Tenacious D" LE CD "The Pick of Destiny"


Shared on Fri, 11/23/2007 - 13:08

Black Friday Booty

I just got back from shopping my store's Black Friday sale, and it took me all of 5 minutes to finish my shopping.  Wanna know how I did it?  I snagged all the games, movies, and CDs I wanted while I was working, and stashed them under the counter.  All I had to do was walk up, and ask for my giant pile.  Here's a list of my ill-gotten gain:

Assassin's Creed
Dead Rising
Firefly boxed set
Silent Hill movie
LOTR boxed set
"Tenacious D" LE CD "The Pick of Destiny"


Shared on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 15:04

So I'm at work the other day and...

...this guy in a John Deere hat and acid wash jeans come and asks for the "EA NASCAR 08 game that you can play on you TV." I asked him whether he wanted the XBOX 360 version or the PS3 version. He looked confused, and I had to be one to break it to him that it would cost him at least 350.00 to play the game on his TV. He left looking disappointed. I could have been a real smarmy jerk, but I wasn't.


Shared on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 15:04

So I'm at work the other day and...

...this guy in a John Deere hat and acid wash jeans come and asks for the "EA NASCAR 08 game that you can play on you TV." I asked him whether he wanted the XBOX 360 version or the PS3 version. He looked confused, and I had to be one to break it to him that it would cost him at least 350.00 to play the game on his TV. He left looking disappointed. I could have been a real smarmy jerk, but I wasn't.

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