So many games, so little time.


Shared on Sun, 07/08/2007 - 00:56
I finally broke down and decided to try out game rentals again.  After some quick research, I ended up going with Gamefly, but only because Gamelender didn't offer Wii games.  However, GameLender does have over 7,000 games, but a lot of them are Nintendo legacy games.  Blockbuster has the advantage when you want a game RIGHT NOW, but I'm limited to whatever is on the shelf at my local store, when I happen to wander in.   Waiting for a game to come in the mail is an exercise in sweet anticipation, unless you were really hoping for your first choice.  I'm still waiting to receive a copy of Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, sadly it has yet to arrive .  Instead I got my second and third choices.

Pirates of  The Caribbean: At Worlds End (Wii) This is light fun, and the voice acting is surprisingly on the money (at least in regards to Jack),  but there's something to slick about this game.  Maybe I'm just all pirated out right now,  but I ran out of steam for this title quickly.   I will probably try it again on another console at some point.

Primal (PS2)  Ever watch a movie that a much younger you thought was great, only to discover that it wasn't nearly the masterpiece you thought?  OK, it wasn't that bad.  Primal has amazing art direction, cut scenes, music, and voice acting.  Also, in the movie browser section, you can replay from any point you already played.   For it's time Primal is really quite stunning.  Sadly, the combat controls are like having to fight with your hands tied together; which is sad since the point of the game is to use primal energies in combat and puzzle solving.  Still, Primal will always have a soft spot in my heart.  Now, I should go rent "The Last Star Fighter", and see if it stood the test of time. 

Or maybe I'll just live with my rosy memories instead.


SpecialEDsauce's picture
Submitted by SpecialEDsauce on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 17:33
Gamefly is okay but thy are a pain in the ass sometimes. Keep you list of games small and limited to what you really want. I had 30 games on my list and they would send me crap games from the bottom even though my first game said it was available. The "keep it" function is great and the games get pretty cheap fast. They have shipping problems at times as well and sometimes they do not respond to my emails which is even more frustrating.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 15:19
I almost want to give you a thumbs down for the lack of CoD love - LOL...But that's cool. Game appeal is at a personal level. I can respect that.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 15:19
I wish I was only interested in 3 games in Nov right now I plan on getting Assassins Creed Mass Effect COD4 Kane and Lynch TimeShift Area 51 - Blacksite Army of Two Haze a couple I can spread out to Dec since that will be a dead month..
Aonon's picture
Submitted by Aonon on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 15:27
T-Drag - Think of it more of my love for strong single player games, and less no love for CoD. CoD was the first game I pre-ordered for the 360, and still my favourite of the first gen titles. Falelorn - I forgot about Kane and Lynch. I love the games IO Interactive makes.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 15:32
oh ya.. Army of Two can be off the list.. it was delayed..

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