Shared on Sat, 03/27/2010 - 10:42I popped in Halo 3 this morning and was browsing through my saved videos, and I came across a game we used to play called Trogdor! Basically It's juggernaut with superfast recharging overshields. To be the juggernaught you have to kill the juggernaut and pretty much the only way to do that is by sneaking up on him and assassinating him from behind.
In this particular match were
DreccoDen, II NOMAD II, Coolpengwn, Kinslayer80, The Kinslayer, Kiowarchief, DadsDoghouse, ShaftD, LakesideJWD, and the ever so popular fan favorite xJay Catx.
We were playing on High Ground which is that map with the base that has a tunnel on one side that you can croutch and get inside of. Well basically once I became the juggernaut I ran for that tunnel because I knew if they couldn't kill me by frontal attacks that it would be almost impossible to kill me in that tunnel because they wouldn't be able to surround me.
Long story short my strategy work and I went from almost no kills to 75 kills and a game win in about 4 minutes. Not to mention racking up dozens of medals including an Unstoppable and an Invincible.
It's quite entertaining, if you're in it or would just like to witness it's awesomness you can queue it up for download here if you have Halo 3 still.
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 09/27/2011 - 02:49