V10L3N7_JAY's blog


Shared on Sat, 03/27/2010 - 10:42

Here's an old one

I popped in Halo 3 this morning and was browsing through my saved videos, and I came across a game we used to play called Trogdor! Basically It's juggernaut with superfast recharging overshields. To be the juggernaught you have to kill the juggernaut and pretty much the only way to do that is by sneaking up on him and assassinating him from behind.

In this particular match were

DreccoDen, II NOMAD II, Coolpengwn, Kinslayer80, The Kinslayer, Kiowarchief, DadsDoghouse, ShaftD, LakesideJWD, and the ever so popular fan favorite xJay Catx.


Shared on Sat, 03/27/2010 - 10:42

Here's an old one

I popped in Halo 3 this morning and was browsing through my saved videos, and I came across a game we used to play called Trogdor! Basically It's juggernaut with superfast recharging overshields. To be the juggernaught you have to kill the juggernaut and pretty much the only way to do that is by sneaking up on him and assassinating him from behind.

In this particular match were

DreccoDen, II NOMAD II, Coolpengwn, Kinslayer80, The Kinslayer, Kiowarchief, DadsDoghouse, ShaftD, LakesideJWD, and the ever so popular fan favorite xJay Catx.


Shared on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 00:30

So it's been a while

I haven't blogged here in a long long time. In fact so long that my last entry was after my wedding which was a year a half ago. So what's different ... hmm let me think ... what new things have come about in that time.


Oh yeah! How about my son Thomas being born a little over 4 months ago!


Shared on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 14:35

Pictures keep coming in

This is the next batch of wedding pictures that have come to us today. I've had a perpetual smile on my face for 3 days now. lol



Shared on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 14:35

Pictures keep coming in

This is the next batch of wedding pictures that have come to us today. I've had a perpetual smile on my face for 3 days now. lol



Shared on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 11:52

Wedding pictures

Hopefully this will work, I made a post showing some of the pictures I've gotten back so far in my Livejournal. This link should take you there.


I am probably going to be putting up pictures randomly as the days go by, I'm sure I'll be getting more emailed to me and whatnot. So anyway these are the first taste and stay tuned for more.


Shared on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 11:52

Wedding pictures

Hopefully this will work, I made a post showing some of the pictures I've gotten back so far in my Livejournal. This link should take you there.


I am probably going to be putting up pictures randomly as the days go by, I'm sure I'll be getting more emailed to me and whatnot. So anyway these are the first taste and stay tuned for more.


Shared on Sun, 10/19/2008 - 14:45

It's official

I'n no longer a bachelor. Michelle and I headed down to Binghamton Friday afternoon and checked into the hotel, everybody met at the Majors Inn in Gibertsville yesterday and we had us a swinging shindig :)

We're officially husband and wife!


Pictures will come soon.


Shared on Sun, 10/19/2008 - 14:45

It's official

I'n no longer a bachelor. Michelle and I headed down to Binghamton Friday afternoon and checked into the hotel, everybody met at the Majors Inn in Gibertsville yesterday and we had us a swinging shindig :)

We're officially husband and wife!


Pictures will come soon.


Shared on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 20:19

Been a while ...

I know it's been a very long time since I blogged. Well I've had alot going on in my gaming world. As many of you know I've been heavily involved with what used to be the 2old4duty clan around here.

Well they were shut down when they made their own online community and many of the members packed up and moved over there.

I'm one of them. I have alot of fun with those guys and girls, they remind me why I play games in the first place. I'll still be around here once in a while and checking my messages but not as much as I used to.


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