New Clan


Shared on Wed, 03/26/2008 - 09:37
Well, the decision has been made. After trying to repair all the damage Nomad did to the Halo Brigade before he left and still having low activity and members leaving. We few that were left sat down last night and discussed our future as a clan.

What we decided was instead of trying to salvage what we had, to start over fresh by merging our remaining members into an existing 202play clan. So after a couple of PM's I sent out this morning, it looks like we're all going to be the newest members of the Halo Tards!


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 03/26/2008 - 10:22
I dunno Jay, does it really matter... the clan thing i mean? I existed here up till a year ago not being affiliated with a clan, then i joined 2old2shoot. Mostly because it had guys in it that i had been gaming with on a fairly regular basis anyway so it made sense. But i'd say i game at about 50/50 with people in Shoot and without. The only criteria really that I have for multiplayer is that I play with members of 2old2play. I don't really care who's clan they're in. 2old2play the community is a global clan of 10,000 members after all. So don't stress out about clanning, i really don't think it matters.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Wed, 03/26/2008 - 11:35
yes a clan matters. I love posting on 2o4BS, it's so much fun to always play with the same gang. If anyone is reading this: it's too bad what Nomad did to Halo Brigade. Jay was one of the most fun guys I have ever played with. It's unfortunate that Halo just wasn't my game...
V10L3N7_JAY's picture
Submitted by V10L3N7_JAY on Wed, 03/26/2008 - 11:45
yeah Tank it does matter just for the simple thing of having a seperate friends list of people devoted to basically 1 game. So that pretty much I can go on whenever and find someone to play with. Thats the main reason.
kiowawarchief's picture
Submitted by kiowawarchief on Wed, 03/26/2008 - 12:01
I could go on about what Nomad did to the clan but I won't. He is not a bad guy it is just that he shits to close to the house.

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