Living Vicariously Through My Friends


Shared on Tue, 01/25/2011 - 10:23

Well, today has been yet another fun one here in the land of frozen streets (and apparently pipes) that we call New England. I woke up this morning to find that our shower would not drain. Seems that our pipes froze over night. Having made a substantial investment in my basement arcade with regard to money and time (nbot to metion blood spilt getting the cabs down there), my first thought was busted pipes + arcade machines = TRAGEDY. So I have been sitting around the house all morning waiting for the plumber to come over and take care of this issue before it results in disaster and soaked arcade machines. As I wait (and wait and wait and . . . . .) for the plumber to arrive, my mind turns to warmer days and climates and my youth spent in Florida surfing at the beach. Since moving to New England, I have gotten somewhat used to the fact that, when one surfs in this region, it is never really warm. Even in the "heat" of August, the water temperature off the coast here in Massachusetts rarely exceeds 65 degrees. So while I sat here with thoughts of tropical sun-soaked beaches streaming through my ice-choked brain, I received a call from my friend Mike, a long-time kayak surfer and now a Stand Up Surfboard (SUP) enthusiast. It seems Mike will be making his way, along with his paddling partner Will, fom Key West to Maine under his own power via SUP. If you have been following my blog for some time, you may remember that my friends Dan & Bethany embarked on a similar mission, from North to South, to paddle kayaks from Maine to Key West in 2010. They succeeded in their journey and I am sure that Mike will as well. The thing about these excursions that always troubles me is this - I am never along for the ride. I was able to paddle a section of the Mass Bay with Dan & Bethany when they came through and I am certain that I will have a similar opportunity to paddle along with Mike and Will as they pass on their journey Norhtward. However, I want to go too. I have been a long-time kayaker, surfer and general waterman for most of my life. Heck, I have a Masters Degree in Marine Aquaculture and worked in the Public Aquarium Industry for 13 years. I was born with sand between my toes and water in my lungs and sometimes I just want to go on my own aquatic Walk About. Don't get me wrong. I love my life. I have an amazing fiance who not only puts up with my gaming, kayking, fishing obessions, but seems to genuinely enjoy the fact that I refuse to grow up. I work for an amazing company in Outdoor Retail that allows me to do the many things that I love. I even get to play around in the Video Game Industry via my position as Community Manager here at 2old2play. Still, sometimes I long to simply set my kayak into the water and paddle southward, back to the sandy beaches of Flordia where I was born and spent much of my life. I want to go where it is warm, where the drinks are fruity and full of rum and where people say Y'all without the least bit of irony. Ah well, for now I shall have to be content with my life here in the frozen Northeast. But someday, some day, I will make it back to Magarittaville. Keep those guitars warmed up Jimmy.



Be sure to follow Mike & Will's exploits at SUP the Coast. And if you can, support their fundraising efforts to raise money for Wounded Warriors. The reality is that much of their trip will not be sunny at all, but cold, windy and really not that much fun. So help them stay warm by supporting their cause - Thanks.


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