Waterborn's blog


Shared on Thu, 02/14/2013 - 16:04

New Year Brings Big News, New Games & New Endeavors

It has been quite some time since my last blog post here at 2old2play. Since the arrival of 2013, much has taken place in Waterborn's World. If you follow my Twitter or Facebook feed, then you know that I have a online Cooking Blog & Video Series callled "Cooking In the Great Outdoors". Last November, I once again auditioned to be part of a national television show in conjunction with my work on CITGO.


Shared on Fri, 11/23/2012 - 08:04

New Personal High Score on Robotron Aracade

After gorging myself on Turkey last night, I decided to put in a game on my Robotron arcade cab to burn off some steam and hopefully a few calories. A little over 3 hours later I finished the longest game I have ever played on any title on one quarter. The final score was 13,540,725. Since Twin Galaxie took their scoreboards offline and are under new ownership, I am not sure where this score would put me on the all time list. My guess is top ten though.



Shared on Mon, 10/15/2012 - 18:33

Back in Action

So it has been a while since I contributed any content to 2old2play. I blame that on getting married in the spring, an insanely busy summer and life in general. However, that is all about to change. You may have seen my interview with Shota Nakama of the Video Game Orchestra (VGO) a few weeks ago.



Shared on Tue, 08/28/2012 - 18:39

New Addition to the Arcade

Haven't posted to my blog in some time. Thought I would share a photo of the newest addition to my basement arcade.



Shared on Fri, 07/20/2012 - 06:36

Life Is Short

So shocked and saddened by the news this morning of a mass shooting in a theater in Aurora, CO during a midnight screen of the new batman movie last night. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. This is an event that Michelle and I would have likely gone to (were considering a similar screening here in Boston, but decided to hold off due to work).


Shared on Sat, 06/16/2012 - 11:10

All This Cooking May Finally Pay Off

I know, all I do lately is cook, or post about cooking. To be honest, it has been over two weeks since I have played ANY video games. In fact, I dreamed about being in an arcade last night, despite the fact that I have one right in my basement. So I definitely need to reconnect to my electronic side real soon



Shared on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 15:12

Round 2 of the Integrale Gauntlet, Classic Video Game Tourney and Some Cool TRON Memorabilia

Thanks to everyone who voted for me in the Integrale Gauntlet. My recipe for Wild Mushroom Risotto and Trout got me through to the second round. The next challenge revolves around creating a sweet risotto dessert. I am going to start with a rice dish prepared with Milk Stout Beer (see pic below) and then kick it up a notch or two from there. The official submission is due on June 12, so stay tuned to my cooking blog to see what what I am working on and track my progress in the competition.


Shared on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 21:37

What I Did This Past Weekend

Well, as usual, I was quite busy this past weekend and managed to pack in a ton of activity in just a few days. On Friday, one of my fellow arcade collector's from NEACF called me to tell me about a Craigslist ad for a BurgerTime arcade cab that was located just a quarter mile from where I live. The ad was for a yard sale on the following day. I had to work the following day, so was a bit nervous about missing out on this game.


Shared on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 16:39

Been a Long Time

Hello folks, long time no see, hear or play. As some of you may know, I recently got married to the fiance and partner of 7 years, hence the reason for my MIA status since the February. Since they always say "pictures or it didn't happen" here is a photo of myself and my new wife on the beach in Viriginia where we got hitched.


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