Monday Night Combat - Best Game of the Summer Hands Down


Shared on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 12:22

Perhaps the best game on XBLA EVER. I have been playing this game online with the development team from UberEnt for the past two nights and cannot stop playing. The game went live to the public today and all I can say if you aren't playing this title, you are a fool. Here is the official press release from our friends over at Uber announcing the release.

Monday Night Combat, the fourth title of Summer of Arcade, launched today worldwide on Xbox Live Arcade for 1200 points.  Monday Night Combat for Xbox LIVE Arcade is a class-based, third-person shooter...and the most lethal sport of the future! It blends combat, finishing moves, gameshow-like challenges and rewards. The game features grapple moves, upgradable skills and a deep meta-game. Blitz mode pits 1 to 2 players on a split screen or up to 4 players over Xbox LIVE against waves of robot armies. In Crossfire mode, players play competitively, 6 versus 6, to destroy the enemy's Money Ball while protecting theirs aided by robots. Enjoy an extensive Career Mode that lets players to use their money to customize classes and show off their accomplishments with hundreds of new ProTags.
Full list of game features:

Blitz is single player, two player split-screen, or multiplayer cooperative game mode supporting up to four players over Xbox LIVE. The pros defend the Moneyball against hordes of robots trying to destroy it. Monday Night Combat features five different challenges that will test you and your friends at different levels of difficulty.  There is a single Blitz arena that configures differently depending on the type of challenge and number of players.

Crossfire is Monday Night Combat's six versus six competitive mode over Xbox LIVE. Both teams try to protect their Moneyball while trying to destroy the opposing team's Moneyball. Both teams have streams of robots that march mindlessly towards the enemy Moneyball and will jump on it and bring it down for players to destroy once they are escorted there.  There are four Crossfire arenas.

Six Upgradeable Character Classes

Each class has two weapons. Each weapon has a primary fire and a secondary fire. Every secondary weapon's alternate fire is an attempt at grappling an enemy Pro. Alternate fire on the primary weapons is unique per weapon. Each class also has four unique skills. Three active skills and one passive skill. The active skills can be used once they recover from the last use. The passive skill increases some attribute of the Pro. Each skill can be upgraded twice during a single match.

Persistent Stats
Every game of Monday Night Combat earns the player money that goes towards their Lifetime Earnings. Lifetime Earnings can be spent on unlocking custom classes and buying earned ProTags. How much Lifetime Earnings you have also determines what level you are. Monday Night Combat also keeps copious career stats and single game highlights.

ProTags are over 370 unique images that you can assign to your online persona. There is a ProTag associated with each highlight and career milestone you can earn. It's a great way to show off to everyone what you have done.

Monday Night Combat features 30 endorsements that can be applied to players. Endorsements are in-game products that increase the effectiveness of certain attributes of players. There are three levels of endorsements, Gold, Silver and Bronze affecting ten different categories of attributes. Gold endorsements increase the attributes the most, then Silver and Bronze endorsements have the lowest effect. Players can not have more than one endorsement of each level and each category of attributes.

Full sponsor list 

Private Matches
Monday Night Combat features a robust match making system that will match players with similar skill level.  Players have the ability to bypass matchmaking and have private matches for both Blitz and Crossfire where only friends can be invited to or join in progress.

Join in Progress and Host Migration
Players can join both Blitz or Crossfire matches in progress and if a host leaves a match, MNC will try to find a new host to continue the game.

Custom Classes
There are six possible custom classes that are unlocked by purchasing the slot with Lifetime Earnings. When the slot is open you can choose which position, gold endorsement, silver endorsement and bronze endorsement for the custom class.

The Monday Night Combat mascot will show up periodically through both Blitz and Crossfire. Shoot him for money as he throws out prizes! These prizes include money, speed and Juice bonuses, and at times bacon.  Bacon makes everything better, just like in real life.

There are two categories of robots and eight total robots. Breach Bots follow a set path from their spawner to the enemy Moneyball. When they get there, they jump on the Moneyball and breaching the shields, making it vulnerable. Eliminator Bots pick an enemy Pro and go after that Pro until they die and then move on. If there are no Pros, they attack enemy turrets and then the Moneyball. Robots can be spawned by players at their own spawners for a cost. The type of robots spawned depends on what class spawns them.

Upgradable Turrets
Every arena has a set of turret nubs in your end. Players can build one of four turrets on those nubs to defend the area for a cost. Different turrets cost different amounts and have different pros and cons. Once the turret is built it can be upgraded twice for additional costs. There are four different types of turrets. They are:

Lazer Blazer: Low cost, low damage, low armor
RockIt: High cost, high damage, high armor
ShaveIce: Moderate cost, slowing aura, high armor
Long Shot: Moderate cost, long range, high damage, low armor



ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 12:28
Thats a rip-off of Team Fortress.
Hoplite's picture
Submitted by Hoplite on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 13:20
every game is a rip-off of something else or a combination of the two. Hell, Halo:Reach is a class based game now too. The classes aren't as well-defined and extremely similar, but you still choose load-outs. As for this game, it looks fun. Had it come out early July I think I would have picked it up. I don't have the budget though to just drop this once Reach comes out.
SGreth's picture
Submitted by SGreth on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 13:27
I love team fortress...which means I'm gonna love MNC. See you mofos in there tonight!
DSmooth's picture
Submitted by DSmooth on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 13:27
This game is a blast... I played it at PAX East, and played the shit out of it yesterday...
Waterborn's picture
Submitted by Waterborn on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 14:13
Ekka it very little like TF so stop being a hater and join in the fun.
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 16:03
Not being a hater. Just saying. I did get it though. Just saying, its really really similar to TF. The characters, classes, graphics. gameplay.
LuxDevil67's picture
Submitted by LuxDevil67 on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 16:32
what, no zombies???
ProvingUnique's picture
Submitted by ProvingUnique on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 16:43
could you upgrade and develop characters in Team Fortress?
Waterborn's picture
Submitted by Waterborn on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 16:54
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What he said
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 17:49
I am out of town until tomorrow...God damn it. But when I get home I am d/l and playing asap!!!!
CMA's picture
Submitted by CMA on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 17:59
You are really messin me over, cause I don't have the dough to pick this up since I am saving for Reach. You should be getting a sale's commission. You probably have sold at least 10 2o2pers that had never before heard of it.
Waterborn's picture
Submitted by Waterborn on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 19:00
Hey, the guys at Uber busted ass making this game and they did an amazing job. What you have to remember is that this is an XBL game and NOT a full retail release. That said, it plays like a full game. Hat's off to those guys.
Hoplite's picture
Submitted by Hoplite on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 23:01
lolz at LB. oh and I'll retract my previous statement, at least the part about not getting it, bout to get on and play right now...
CMA's picture
Submitted by CMA on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 23:26
So that is why you were ignoring our invites tonight Hoplite.

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