Monday Night Combat Halloween Unmasking


Shared on Mon, 10/25/2010 - 17:39


Welcome Monday Night Combat fans to Halloween Unmasking Week. During the next several days, we'll be revealing new information and showing off new content from our first free DLC that will be released in November. Along with juicy details about the free DLC, we'll be handing out some tasty Holloween eye candy. There's way too much sweet stuff to eat all in one day so visit back over the rest of the week for the full experience.
Balance Changes
  • Reduced damage done by the dagger to the Moneyball.
  • Increased the damage Assassins do after both dagger and sword lunge.
  • Normalized multipliers for both dagger and sword when doing damage from behind an enemy.
  • Reduced recovery time on Assassin’s alternate fire grapple on the Dagger, Sword and Shuriken Launcher.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Assassins to do too little damage from front facing, alternate fire, Shuriken face slap grapple.
  • Reduced the damage the Moneyball takes from a sniper rifle.
  • Reduced the skill drain rate of Sniper Traps.
  • Reduced the amount of juice gain from the sniper rifle damaging targets.
  • Reduced juice gain from healing with the Heal/Hurt Gun.
  • Increased skill recovery time of level 2 and 3 of the Support’s Air Strike.
  • Reduced minimum damage on Gunner’s minigun, making it less effective at long ranges.
  • Reduced the damage the Moneyball takes from the rail gun.
Other Balance Changes
  • Decreased effectiveness of Lazer Blazer Turrets vs players.
  • Increased effectiveness of RockIt Turrets vs bots.
  • Reduced cost of all levels of RockIt Turrets.
  • Greatly increased the cooldown time for Juice machines in Crossfire.
More to come this week....
  • Bug Fixes and Gameplay Changes
  • Other Fixes and Changes
  • New Features and Additions
  • Wallpaper Contest Winners
So if you have not played MNC in a while, log back in, be sure to download the previous title update and get ready for some old fashion chaos.


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 10/25/2010 - 18:58
Are people even still playing this? Seems like it launched in a great window between major releases but with halo, moh and cod, i can't imagine people are still playing this.
Waterborn's picture
Submitted by Waterborn on Mon, 10/25/2010 - 19:51
I plan to hit it up again once the DLC comes out. I agree, it's a tough gig for a XBL title to try and go up against the "Big Guys"

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