New York ComicTRON


Shared on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 23:49


Two weekends ago I had the opportunity to travel to New York City to attend the annual ComicCon event where I was able to dig a little deeper into my obsession for all thing TRON-related and learn more about the upcoming graphic novel and Game releases that will lead into the major motion picture TRON Legacy, which will hit theaters nationwide on December 17th. As a card-carrying member of the "Disney-Youth", I grew up in Florida under the shadow of the ever present Mouse Ears in Orlando. In addition to being at the gates of Disney World on opening day in 1971 (I was four at the time and don't remember anything of the event), I was also present at the Disney Theater in the Contemporary Hotel when the original motion picture TRON first debuted in 1982. To put it simply, I am a TRON Fanatic through and through. So when I had a chance to speak with the creative minds behind the soon to be released video game TRON Evolution and the graphic novel TRON Betrayal, I literally jumped at the opportunity. Check out my interviews with John Vignocchi, Development Director for Disney Interactive Studios on TRON Evolution and Jai Nitz & Andie Tong, Co-creators of the graphic novel, TRON Betrayal via the link below.

TRON Interviews at New York ComicCon

Once you have had a chance to pique your interest, keep reading for my impressions on the game and for more information on the graphic novel.

TRON Evolution - The Game

As someone who played and still owns TRON titles like Solar Sailor, Discs of TRON and the original coin-operated arcade cabinet, I take my TRON games VERY seriously. So I had a very high bar set for TRON Evolution. Due to my self-imposed expectations on all things relating to TRON, I had high hopes for the game. However, I was more than a bit worried that the end result would be a watered-down platformer more reminiscent of the disappainting Matrix series and less a fitting update with the awe-inspiring visual effects and action-based storyline of the original. What I found at New York ComicCon was a graphically brilliant and completely enjoyable experience that did much to reinstate my faith in movie-based games.

Though I was unfortunately not able to check out any of the light cycle or other vehicle segments of the game, I did get a chance to run around the virtual world as ANON, a computer program created by Kevin Flynn to investigate what appears to be a burgeoning viral infection that is overtaken the world that was created during the events of the first movie. (Note: the graphic novel takes place between the timeframe that spans the end of the movie and the beginning of the upcoming game release - more on that below). TRON Evolution relies heavily on platforming, fighting with various weapons (including the well-known idenity disc that was the core of Discs of TRON) and manteling to tranverse from one area of the Grid (the gaming world created by Kevin Flynn) to another. The controls were very intuitive and the camera positioning was spot-on, a key detail that other game developers have wrestled with when creating action-based games in the 3rd person perspective. I never felt like I was fighting either the controls or the camera, movement and viewpoints transitioned smoothly and were not frustrating in the least. The effects when the player "derezzes" (i.e. kills or destroys) an opponent were visually brilliant and the feeling of cutting an ememy in half with the idenity disk was something to be savored and repeated.

As mentioned earlier, the demo did not include any play time with the light cycles, but John hinted at other player controlled vehicles which may show up in the completed version of the game. For instance, when I asked him if we might see a light plane as briefly revealed in the latest Flynn Lives trailer, he simply said "No Comment" with a huge grin on his face. It was obviously from our discussion that John is as big of a fan of the TRON lexicon as I am. I am confident that my childhood memories are in good hands with regard to TRON Evolution. So much so, that I have already dropped my $125 for the Limited Collectors Edition of the game. It includes a light cycle! How could I resist?

TRON Evolution Collector's Edition with Light Cycle

Take a look at some of the screen shots below, provided by our friends over at Disney Interactive, to get a feel for the stunning graphics that you will encounter in TRON Evolution.

Tank Battle


Black Guards

More Tanks

The Grid

Battling Infected Programs

Light Cycles

Aerial Battle

Manteling Taken to a Completely New Level

TRON Betrayal - The Graphic Novel

New York ComicCon Exclusive Preview of TRON Betrayal (signed by Andie Tong and Jai Nitz). Read on to learn how you can get a copy.

Jai Nitz - Writer, TRON Betrayal

Andie Tong - Artist, TRON Betrayal

Written by Jai Nitz and drawn by Andie Tong, the TRON Betrayal graphic novel will be released about a month prior to the movie on November 17th. The story encapsulated within TRON Betrayal spans the period between the original movie and the upcoming sequel, TRON Legacy. During this period of time, we learn that the world created by Kevin Flynn has become dystopic and is in threat of being destroyed from within. In an effor to learn what is causing this decay, Kevin Flynn returns to the grid, along with a revitalized version of the program TRON (who was derezzed at the end of the original film after his battle to destroy the MCP). Though Jai and Andy would only hint at the full story line, it is pretty obvious that some form of virus has infiltrated the grid. If you have been following the sneak previews for TRON Legacy, it appears that Clu (the virtual version of Kevin Flynn derezzed at the beginning of the first TRON movie) may be behind this threat. To learn exactly what is happening and if Clu makes an appearance in TRON Betrayal, you will have to pick up the graphic novel when it comes out next month.

Be sure to check out my interview with Jai and Andie in the second half of the audio file at the top of this blog. Both gentlemen have a deep appreciation for the TRON lexicon and how much it means to those of us who grew up with the original movie in the 80's. As Jai puts it, "I hate the people who f*#ked up my childhood memories (referring to mutliple derrivations of super heroes in comic books - some good and many not well adapted). I don't want to be THAT guy that does the same to TRON." I am confident that, after interviewing Andy and Jai, that their treatment of Flynn's story will not dissapoint. And if it does, I know of a guy in a TRON leather jacket with a Encom ID badge who will be knocking on their doors for a chat.

Win a signed copy of the New York ComicCon Exlclusive Preview of TRON Betrayal

If you follow my Twitter Feed, then you know that I have already given away several signed copies of the New York ComicCon Preview of TRON Betrayal, signed by Jai Nitz and Andy Tong. Well, I happen to have one signed copy left. So leave a comment at the bottom of this blog and you will be entered in a random drawing to win that copy. (Before you ask, I will use a random number generator to deterimine the winner, so please, no begging).

And If That Wasn't Enough TRON Content

I stopped by Target this week and picked up several very cool TRON Legacy Toys, includig some very cool die-cast light cycle & recognizer models and a Deluxe Light Cycle that lights up and revs up when you depress a button. Keep an eye out for these toys and others at your local retailers. I still need to find the Recognizer Toy Case to store my light cycles.

Stay tuned for more coverage from New York ComicCon (including previews of Epic Mickey, Deus Ex Human Revolution and Dead Space 2), New England ComicCon (interviews with Burt Ward aka Robin and Richard Anderson aka Oscar Golman from the 6 Million Dollar Man) and the Rock & Shock Horror Fest featuring interviews with Zoe Bell (Kill Bill & Deathproof), William Katt (The Greatest American Hero & Carrie), Ogre (Skinny Puppy & Repo The Genetic Opera) & more.






BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Tue, 10/19/2010 - 04:59
wow impressive blog! and put me in the randomizer please :)
XF1R3X's picture
Submitted by XF1R3X on Tue, 10/19/2010 - 09:41
Nice blog! I am excited for the New movie!!!!!
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Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Tue, 10/19/2010 - 11:14
good blog tron sucks tho
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 19:43
Waterborn's picture
Submitted by Waterborn on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 08:22
Congrats to XFir3X, winner of the signed TRON Betrayal preview. Stay tuned for more NYCC and Rock & Shock coverage later today.
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