TRON Controller for the XBox 360


Shared on Tue, 11/02/2010 - 21:45

So I recently started working for the dreaded Gamestop once again (a seasonal job that I frequently reinstate to make extra money when needed). Though the work is pretty easy and brainless, I have mixed feelings about the relationship. The store that I work at is lacking the typical asshat staff that one usually finds in most GS locations, so I guess it is not that bad. Still, I frequently feel as if I am working for the enemy when I clock it. The perks are not very good (15% employee discount is pretty lame if you ask me), but every once in a while something comes across my path that makes me glad that I take the time to put in a few shifts now and again. Today was one of those days as we receive a rather limited shipment of the TRON Evolution controllers for the XBox 360. Check this baby out.

The controller is wired (a slight drawback in this day and age of wireless tech). However, what it lacks in mobility it more than makes up for in sheer sexy appeal. This thing is sweet with a capitol "Hell Yeah!". The controller has several light bars that illuminate when the controller is plugged in and comes in a very nice LE case with a certificate of authenticity. At $49.99, the cost is very reasonable and less than the standard wireless controller for the 360. I put one on hold today and plan to bring this puppy home on my first payday. I can't wait to play TRON Evolution with this controller with the lights turned off. Enter the Grid indeed.

And above is the newest TRON Legacy movie poster to be released.

I also just ordered a TRON Light Cycle Ornament from Hallmark (I think I need an intervention).


Nunderw00b's picture
Submitted by Nunderw00b on Tue, 11/02/2010 - 21:57
That's awesome!!! What do those run? $50-$60?
Waterborn's picture
Submitted by Waterborn on Tue, 11/02/2010 - 22:05
$49.99, pretty reasonable if you ask me.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 08:43
O-MY! that is very very cool looking. I don't need that!
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 11:44
A custom Tron 360 would be the shit. With neon lighting on the sides.
Waterborn's picture
Submitted by Waterborn on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 12:31
Ekkatan, I was thinking the same thing. Surprised that they did not come out with one.
Retrogirl546's picture
Submitted by Retrogirl546 on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 18:50
I want the ornament now. Didn't know they had one.

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