Blog this ya bloggin blogger


Shared on Tue, 06/13/2006 - 07:32

Here we go then. My first foray into blogging. Why now? Dunno. I dont even expect it to be read by anyone else so does this mean its purely self indulgent? Is what I have to say relevant? or even interesting? Enough of the questions. On with the blog. (incidentally, bad spelling will be intentional........just because. OK?)

So, Ive been gaming since the Marathon days on the mac, infact Ive been gaming before that on the likes of...what was it called.....astrofox? Anyway, back in the little LCD desk top games of 25 years ago. I cant claim to be a serious gamer devoting hours and hours of game play but I do still have a keen interest. Halo has been a big influence in recent years. I had an N64 and was trying to decide on buying a PS2 or the new player in town, Xbox. Halo was the deciding factor and ive never regretted. I do, however, regret the fact that I only recently got a Live account when I upgraded to the 360. You see, I had been dying to play Halo multiplayer and Ive finally had the chance. But it left me a bit empty, dare I say it. It wasnt the experience I thought it would be. There are a few reasons for this. Annoying gamers, some of whom yet to reach puberty, but worse still those mature sounding gamers that clearly lack some mental capacity. I dont know how many times Ive been raped now but it would smart a bit ,Im sure. Bitch. Now though, through the wonders of 2old2play Ive a more matue friends list of like minded gamers who make it a more pleasant experience.

Apart from that its the skill level. Ive too much catching up to do. I thought I was handy enough by breezing through legendry after the hanger section is out of the way but clearly, as expected, human game play is much more difficult and I cant devote the time to practise. Im a couple of years too late. Still, Ill keep at it just for the fun of it since after all, fun is the reason I game.


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