wellskelpt's blog


Shared on Fri, 11/10/2006 - 16:05


Not enoiugh tits. I just don't see as many of them and when i do it's a rare occurrence. i mean, at home I'd see a few every day. There were some Great ones and Blue ones and the occasional long tailed one. We even had them nesting in my garden. I built a bird box with my own two hands and it wasn't long before I got a good close up view of some tits. I was pre-pubescent at the time and it was very exciting. My first exposure to real life tits. Now though, living in this urban sprawl means I see very few of them or any other bird.


Shared on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 14:49

Look up a kie

When driving to work yesterday morning I saw something I had never seen before. Or so i thought. I was heading along the motorway when I noticed the strange formation in the clouds. It was bright enough start to the day but there were one or two big grey battleships of cloud easing across the sky and I noticed in one a peculiar hole. It reminded me of the eye of a hurricane, which clearly it wasn't as we don't get hurricanes plus it was not even windy that morning. Though I uppose it could have been up there. There was no through hole in the cloud, no sign of sky on the other side.


Shared on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 15:07


An interesting thing happened to me today. Well, I say interesting but really I mean uncomfortable. We've all used public toilets at some stage in our lives and in particular most will have used toilets in a work environment. I have used one many times at work, which comes as no surprise. However, today was a new experience. I'm sure most people are familiar with the warm toilet seat. The sign that someone else sat there very recently doing the same thing you are about to do. On a cold day the warm toilet seat is actually a comfort.


Shared on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 14:00


Ice ice baby. It seems that as soon as the calender changed to November, winter arrived. No gradual diminishing of temperatures, just turn the page on the calander and whoomph. It's winter baby. Minus three over night. I had a hard frost to scrape off the car. Every window and light needed a good scouring with the handy little green scraper I keep in the glove box for just an eventuality. Okay, it sits snugly in the car all year but it cpomes in handy eventually and after all this is northern europe so who knows what might happen in summer.


Shared on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 16:38


I just wrote a long meandering but extremely witty blog. First in a long time. I forgot to give it a title and it disappeared when I hit the submit button. What a load of nasty smelly stuff. I can't be bothered to write it out again but trust me it was the best yet. An absolute corker of a blog. I might get round to doing it again tomorrow.

I'm back, by the way.


Shared on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 08:39

miserable dark wet days

It turns out two of my uncles have cancer - prostate and bowel respectively - and one of my aunts had a lump removed from a breast that turned out benign. Every so often life comes running up and gives you a swift kick in the nuts just to see if you're paying attention. fuck fuck fuckity fuck



Shared on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 04:03

Free Music

Lets see if this works. There should be a youtube video of my brothers band. They just released their first video.

They've been gigging for a good while and hoping to get a deal. I think some of their stuff is as good as, if not better than a lot of stuff you get in the charts. Let me know what you think so I can give him some feedback. I should point out I haven't heard this yet as my work PC has no sound.


Shared on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 05:26

Still Bloody Sick

But getting better. I'm back at work but really wish I wasn't. sniffle blurb bleugh parp. Worst cold I've had in a looong time. Might be bird flu. I eat a lot of chicken. Nah. The plus side of being unwell has been getting back on the Oblivion trail. I'm not fit for FPS, the idea of halo makes me want to vo,it in headspinning abandon but a gently paced wander through Cryodill (sp? who cares?) has been the order of the day. I haven't played it in ages but it's just the thing right now. The only bugger is that I'm a vampire. I never asked to be one.


Shared on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 01:45

Sick as a

Very sick thing. I'm off work today. I am choked up with a heavy cold and my throat feels like I'm swallowing razor blades. Can't really order my thoughts. I wanted to write a wee bit on the Edinburgh Military Tatoo since I caught a bit of the coverage the other day on TV. I can just about manage to type this but it's taking ages because I have to keep correcting my bad spelling. My brain doesn't work today. I think that's it. Spare a sympathetic thought for poor old me.


Shared on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 12:52

Lithuania PWNED!

Oh what a night. I've a smile as wide as the Clyde. Scotland 2 Lithuania 1.First time in two and a half years that we won two competitive games back to back. What a game it was.

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