Day 2


Shared on Tue, 08/29/2006 - 04:35

Well, I've had worse days but I've had better too. I spoke to my wife after trying to be put through to the correct room for a while. Why is it no-one undertands my dulcet Scottish tones? Why does 2 sound like 3? Not to me it doesn't. I can't even order pizza in Ireland so it's not an Indian thing. Anyway, all is well and my wife is safe and well in deepest darkest Bubaneshwar. Cameron was in reasonable form in the early evening. I was able to feed him without any problems, he gobbled up all that was on offer. I even had the oppertunity to make myself something and even eat it before he went ape-shit. He settled down again once I started playing football with him (proper football not the one where you CARRY the ball all the time). problems arose later in the evening. He didn't eat any of his bed-time bottle, which is really unlike him. he has a snuffle and runny nose that i assumed was teething but he then developed a bit of a rattly cough. Cameron cried off and on for a while and was really unsettled. I was beginning to feel my blood boil, which can happen after a couple of hours with a grizzly baby that won't sit down or lie down and isn't even happy in your arms. He went to sleep about 10:30pm, propped up on a cushion. this seemed to help his chest and breathing, not that there were any major problems but he seemed more comfortable. He slept soundly but between then and midnight I tried to put him in his cot a number of times but he always woke up crying. Off to bed then with Cameron beside me. 3am he wakes up crying and spends the next hour tossing an turning and griping off an on. Daddy aint getting no sleep. The alarm went at 7am this morning and I rolled over and switched it off. I lay back planning how I was going to do things this morning, what order of business, then woke again at 9:47. BUGGER. Jumped up, woke the baby, got ready, fed him got him in to creche for 10:30pm (not bad ging all things considered, you can only rush a baby so much) and in work for 11am. What a start to the day.

On a side note and completely off track, I read that Ireland has absolutely no snkae anti-venom, whatsoever. None at all. Now, you might think, "what's the problem? No snakes in Ireland and nothing that'll bite you in that manner." Well some builders upacked a box of tiles from Greece and found a nasty surprise. Can't remember the flavour of beast some rhinocerous-faced, horned, armoured bitey bastard snake. Had it bitten the builders then the plan would hve been to identify the snake, call the venom agency in the UK, fly over the anti-venom and inject it into the lifeless corpse of the builder. They'd be dead in under two hours. I don't care how good the low cost air providers are they aint getting anti-venom here in under two hours. Have you seen the traffic in Dublin! I'll be walking down the fruit isle in the supermarket with extra care, I can tell you.


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