Frivolity ensues


Shared on Tue, 08/22/2006 - 03:21

Enough of the deep, serious blogs. Time to lighten up a bit.

Is it just me or is Lego Starwars 2 looking and sounding like a lot or fun? I didn't play the first one but the follow up has got me interested. I love lego and I love starwars so it's a winning combination. I'm looking forward to my son growing old enough to play with lego. I'm already picking out sets I want....for him ***cough***

I also hear that BA has banned all flights out of UK and US airports.

"I aint getting on no plane, crazy fool"

He is quoted as saying before enjoying a glass of nice cold milk. (plenty of these doing the the rounds on e-mail, don't blame me)


Oh and I've been offered a new job. More spenderific spondoolies, bonuses better career prospects.

wort wort wort


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