Jiggling pixels


Shared on Thu, 07/13/2006 - 07:51

I downloaded the Rumble Roses Extreme Beach (or something) trailer the other day to see what it was like. Im not really into fighting games and Id seen some of DOA but thought Id have a look anyway. Clearly I wasted my time. What amazed me most was that there was no game play shown just a montage of clips showing well endowed girls frolicking around. Now, if I want to see that then there are plenty places to see real women doing it, on-line and off. Why would anyone want to watch or play agame with scantily clad, CGI girls, jiggling around the place? I just dont get it.  I can just imagine the programmers and designers sitting down trying to get the bounce of cleavage just right. Spending hours tweaking the pertness etc etc. I must, at this point shake my head with pity.......OK, done. I can understand pre-pubescent teens getting hot under the collar (and belt) but since the larger slice of the games market is in the 20-30s do we really get tittilated by jiggly pixels? Clearly the producers think so given the near naked female form is the main selling point. Makes you wonder if too many game designers are spending too much time at their consoles and not enough time with real women.

on a lighter note............

It’s all bullshit. It really is.
From the day you’re self aware
You are wading through the mire.
A  waste of life spent working for a coin
and two weeks here or there.
We are no better off than beasts.
The ascent of man we are told
But where is the summit?
Battery hens at desks with fiscal shackles.
Is that it ‘till I’m old?
The chimps in the trees have it better.
If it were not for us they’d be alright.
We are screwing things up and
We are too stupid to stop,
It’s economics, politics and all that shite.
God help us all.
There must be something more.
This thing that happens each day,
We are made to believe it’s a life
but it makes me want to roar.


codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Thu, 07/13/2006 - 13:57
I had the same opinion of that game, to the tee. -CM

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