Shared on Mon, 08/07/2006 - 13:50An open, and perhaps rhetorical, question: When women go through that 'special' time of the month, why are men wankers? I am not a tosser! (most of the time that is. I have my moments, in the figurative sense, from time to time). I am being general in the accusation. My dear wife has never used such terms to describe me but it's a good way to describe the general tone and outlook while nature takes it's course. I empathise ladies. I sympathise. I would change it if I could but all I can do is grit my teeth and run the gauntlet.
I suppose it goes without saying that this weekend has not been one of the best I can recall. A teething baby is one thing and I don't wish to labour this point. A teething baby with a sore stomach is siting up to 4am trying your damdest to aleviate the poor mites suffering. A teething, non sleeping baby with a mother otherwise debilitated, see above, who can't cope with the child or life for that matter means daddy has not had the best of weekends. To put it mildly. Normality is beginning to resume in the house and if browny points were gamerpoints then STtheKing or whoever is leading these days (not that I care one bit) would not be fit to wipe my arse.
I did mange to get a couple of hours gaming in last night. Was it Sunday night? I can hardly tell what day it is since we had a day off today. I needed the break from life. A few hours gladly approved by my dear wife, love of my life, bearer of my beautiful son. My game is not what it was though (and that aint saying much either). Halo and fatigue don't go together but judging by what I've just read then the time will come when we will all need to be at the top of our game to stand any chance of success.
I was reading New Scientist magazine earlier, which I do most weeks, there was a small article in it headed "Bad guys Mutate to Win". basically some guys at the University of Paderborn in Germany are creating FPS enemies intended to kick our inferior carbon based butts. They are running a programme creating mutation in the bots and through survival of the fittest selecting the stongest etc etc, you know this sort of thing. then they are adding on all sorts of algorithms so that the latest enemies wipe the floor with their standard counterparts. It seems that these new bots run their own defensive strategies and generally put the player on the back foot whenfacing them. It is also intended that th next gen will learn from the human player and steal tactics while passing these on to other bots. So you better kill that elite quick before he tells his friends about you. What hope do we have? Halo2 Legendary? Call of Duty3 Veteran? Pah! Try Quake 27, it'll make yer thumbs bleed.
Oh and I'm glad your all home safely from the LAN.
I suppose it goes without saying that this weekend has not been one of the best I can recall. A teething baby is one thing and I don't wish to labour this point. A teething baby with a sore stomach is siting up to 4am trying your damdest to aleviate the poor mites suffering. A teething, non sleeping baby with a mother otherwise debilitated, see above, who can't cope with the child or life for that matter means daddy has not had the best of weekends. To put it mildly. Normality is beginning to resume in the house and if browny points were gamerpoints then STtheKing or whoever is leading these days (not that I care one bit) would not be fit to wipe my arse.
I did mange to get a couple of hours gaming in last night. Was it Sunday night? I can hardly tell what day it is since we had a day off today. I needed the break from life. A few hours gladly approved by my dear wife, love of my life, bearer of my beautiful son. My game is not what it was though (and that aint saying much either). Halo and fatigue don't go together but judging by what I've just read then the time will come when we will all need to be at the top of our game to stand any chance of success.
I was reading New Scientist magazine earlier, which I do most weeks, there was a small article in it headed "Bad guys Mutate to Win". basically some guys at the University of Paderborn in Germany are creating FPS enemies intended to kick our inferior carbon based butts. They are running a programme creating mutation in the bots and through survival of the fittest selecting the stongest etc etc, you know this sort of thing. then they are adding on all sorts of algorithms so that the latest enemies wipe the floor with their standard counterparts. It seems that these new bots run their own defensive strategies and generally put the player on the back foot whenfacing them. It is also intended that th next gen will learn from the human player and steal tactics while passing these on to other bots. So you better kill that elite quick before he tells his friends about you. What hope do we have? Halo2 Legendary? Call of Duty3 Veteran? Pah! Try Quake 27, it'll make yer thumbs bleed.
Oh and I'm glad your all home safely from the LAN.
- wellskelpt's blog
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Submitted by REDRooK on Mon, 08/07/2006 - 14:46
Submitted by AnUmpaLumpa on Mon, 08/07/2006 - 16:17
Submitted by wellskelpt on Mon, 08/07/2006 - 16:18
Submitted by wellskelpt on Mon, 08/07/2006 - 16:24
Submitted by AnUmpaLumpa on Mon, 08/07/2006 - 16:26
Submitted by wellskelpt on Mon, 08/07/2006 - 16:31
Submitted by wellskelpt on Mon, 08/07/2006 - 16:35
Submitted by CapnHun on Mon, 08/07/2006 - 17:03