miserable dark wet days


Shared on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 08:39

It turns out two of my uncles have cancer - prostate and bowel respectively - and one of my aunts had a lump removed from a breast that turned out benign. Every so often life comes running up and gives you a swift kick in the nuts just to see if you're paying attention. fuck fuck fuckity fuck


I posted this then deleted it. Who wants to read the dark shit in my life? The I realised I write the blog for me not because I think people want to read something in particular. This is my journal. A snapshot of my thoughts. Some of it is directed with readers in mind but most of it is not. I guess it's my diary. I never kept a diary or a journal so this is my experiment to see if I want to continue. I've decided what goes on stays on even if I regret it later. fuck it.

sorry for the language but it doesn't happen often.


ch8rt's picture
Submitted by ch8rt on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 06:34
Sad to hear, my wife has just come out of a similar spell herself, so I can speak from the sidelines. All my best wishes are with you and your family and all the other people that are struck by these awful illnesses.
AnUmpaLumpa's picture
Submitted by AnUmpaLumpa on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 13:22
Man that really sucks. :( There is plenty of dark shit in life but hopefully there is more good stuff to draw strength from. And as for writing about it, thats good man it really helps and im sure no one will speak ill of it. And if they do i'll kneecap them. My thoughts are with you.
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 11:00
Shit dude wasnt expecting that very well put though. I wish you all the best and hopefully we can get to see you online soon :) Dude we are all friends on here if you have problems its good to get them out in the open and where better than with your mates :)

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