Respect is Due


Shared on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 05:22

Respect. A little word. Often used. Rarely understood, it seems. We, the collective we, the global we, seem to have mixed up the intention of the word respect. You see, respect is not something to be earned. It is a fundemental right of every human being. Respect should be given to someone first and then taken away if actions dictate it. Unfortunately that is not the case these days. Clearly respect is something that has to be earned, that you must prove your worth somehow before you are worthy of being respected and even then there is no guarentee of ever being respected by some. It should be the case that when first meeting someone, first seeing, hearing, writing, playing someone that respect is given to that person and reciprocated. Trust can be something that is earned, which again is another sad indictement of life today but thats another story. No, respect is due regardless. Respect first and you might get more respect back. Im not naive, just idealistic.


I must stop playing Halo publically, theres just not much of our clan action going on at the moment 


KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 06:45
"Respect my Authoritye!!!"......./Cartman
wellskelpt's picture
Submitted by wellskelpt on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 07:41
buh hmm mmm-mmm imm mmm umm..../kenney
AnUmpaLumpa's picture
Submitted by AnUmpaLumpa on Sun, 07/09/2006 - 15:22
I agree with you totally man. I respect everyone as i expect that they respect me. The same with trust although i sometimes get burnt, but i believe in karma so i dont hold it against people.

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