Teeth: Little White Buggers of Torture


Shared on Mon, 07/03/2006 - 06:34

I finished of Call of Duty2 on Veteran level. Quite please about that. It was tough going in places but overall not too bad. Im more pleased to finish it now so that I am ready for Prey when it comes out. I have always been behind the times, you see. up until now that is. I got an Xbox late, I got an X360 last month, got my first live account with it, so only about 2-years late on Halo2 Live action. Got COD a few weeks ago. being late into games means your behind on Live and that sucks cause everyone is usually miles better having had more practice. So I feel a bit of a spare tool trying to catch up. Halo2 is especially bad. man, I really looked forward to getting into H2 but Im too far behind to realy enjoy it especially with the de-levellers and moders around. So now I am free and clear with regards to games. bring on Prey, Im going to be first on. Meanwhile i have PGR3 to keep me occupied and Oblivion of course. Im getting into PGR3 big time. I didnt really go for PGR2. Not sure why, but 3 is a belter. I think getting online will be fun but practise comes first. I organised a LAN session with a few non-live mates and it was good fun on PGR3. COD2 is next up for a bit of LAN action.

The problem of teeth interjected in my game time this weekend. Indeed, my entire life and that of wife too was thrown into turmoil. It want even teeth that belonged to us. My baby is teething an boy do we know it. Why cant the little shits not just grow like finger nails or hair? Why cant they just slide effortlessly into place? They dont. They rip through the gums like slow motion bullets tearing flesh as they go and leaving in their wake a roaring, clinging, purple faced demon child and parents on their knees praying for the end, whatever form the end will take. Were not fussy. Just make it stop. We go to work now to escape the weekends. The wee man is brilliant on whole though. Its just that when hes in bad form it really interrupts game time. We cant put him down for a minute hes so clingy. I cant even plop him beside me when Im playing because he wants to eat my controller. He wants to chew on everything.

But, even through this adversity, I have soldiered on and won the war on veteran. Now if we could just win the war on these bloody teeth my wife and I might smile at one another again.

I feel so sorry for him but at least we dont remember it. We often wish the baby could have been born with teeth and so avoid this pain but as I point out to the wife, would you want to give birth to something that might bite you on the way out? Doesnt bare thinking about really.


ZBOBS's picture
Submitted by ZBOBS on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 09:48
Funny I should read this today, my son now 16 is getting his braces off today, yet this makes me remember when he was just about to turn 1 and he was screaming in such pain I rang the doctors office to get him in thinking he had an ear infection. Turned out it was just his upper molars trying to break through. He does not remember, yet I do, the Doc showing me the very ugly bruises on his gums where there were soon to be two molars.

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