Watch the Birdy


Shared on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 08:51
Too tired to write anything today so if anyone's reading then have an old poem to keep you going. I must get round to writing more some time. If no-ones reading then what the hell, nothings lost.
An Interruption
Four finches in the hedge discuss
How the dawning day progressed.
Forgive my ignorance when I report
That each of you were brown.
So four brown finches chatted
Each wearing a black balaclava
Which I did too when I was six
But only under duress.
As I drew up to your conference, which
Continued unperturbed by my arrival
I knew it was a privilege to observe you;
Having made no appointment.
I may have waited longer, perhaps
Until you concluded and adjourned
But I had a vital meeting of my own
With my wee, chirping, boy.
You fled at my exit and screamed your rebuke,
As you go scattering with the wind,
I am truly sorry but hope you said what needed to be heard.
Will you meet again another time without me?


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