Breaking Point


Shared on Tue, 06/13/2006 - 12:25

Well that didnt take long.

A few posts ago I went on a rant about my new landlords. ;; Then I conceded that I wasnt going to complain about them anymore. ;; Well, youve got to hear this.

First, a little backstory...We rent a pretty large apartment with a deck. ;; Our landlords live above us ;;and have their own covered deck. ;; We live near a college so our landlords had mentioned early on that they were looking for a quiet couple and not some people who were going to be having loud parties. ;; My fiance, Jane and I are in our late 20s and those days are pretty much over. ;; Our landlords are also crazy. ;; Thats pretty much all the backstory you need.

On Saturday, we invited four of our friends over to use the new bbq my folks had gotten for us, as a houeswarming gift. ;; Its 5pm. ;; They arrive in two cars and park out front. ;; They park away from the house, so as not to block the driveway. ;; We sit outside on our deck and begin enjoying a couple of beers and some conversation. ;; No music or excessive noise. ;; At 5:30 I head inside with two of my friends to begin making our garbage plates (an upstate New York delicacy...Check it Out here ;;). ;; At about 6pm, my fiance Jane sees one of the two landlords (the wife) walk passed our kitchen door. ;; She heads outside to greet her and sees what she wants. ;; ;;The landlord ;;asks if we are having a party. ;; ;;Jane says that we are having four of our friends over for dinner. ;; Our landlord responds that we had talked about this, and that we were not aloud to have parties. ;; She says not to worry, but we will have to talk about this in the morning. ;; Jane agrees that we do need to discuss this, because by no stretch of the imagination ;;does four guests and garbage plates at 6pm constitute a party.

At 6:30 I get a call from our other landlord. ;; This guy is at work, and apparantly his wife must have called him and ;;given him an earful. ;; From the ;;moment I answer the phone he is yelling at me. ;; Saying that they had told us no parties. ;; His wife had told him that we had a bunch of cars out front and that the house was full of people. ;; I think I understand his issue. ;; Im thinking that we share a house. ;; By sharing the house, we should be ;;considerate of our neighbors. ;; ;;But, here it is 6:30 and we are not intruding on anyone. ;; I tell him that we have 4 guests who are outside getting ready for dinner and that we are not being loud, nor will we be outside once the sun goes down. ;; I also tell him that there two additional cars outside, and if that is the problem we can have the cars moved. ;; No good. ;; He is already convinced that we are having a ripper. ;; Instead, the six of us ate our garbage plates inside (as planned) and proceeded to play a 4 hour game of Risk. ;; Now that is one hell of a party. ;; I figured that the story would end there.

Yesterday the guy calls me up and asks me to come outside. ;; Once outside I am forced to once again maintain my composure as the two of them lay into me. ;; The wife says she saw a house full of people, not the four guests we say were there. ;; This time they drop some bombs about the deck and how we are not even supposed to be using it. ;; I ask them to please elaborate, as ;;there is a sliding glass door from our living room to this deck. ;; There was already a grill on this deck that he said we could use (we chose not to, because it was disgusting), but we arent allowed to use the deck. ;; Sounds pretty confusing to me. ;; I also ask if we are expected to never have friends or family over for dinner. ;; They actually said we could have our family over, but we would need to go out to dinner with our friends. ;; I try to explain that if we both have our parents over, it would have been no different than it was last night. ;;

They said that these are the rules and if we dont like them we can leave. ;; So we are one month into this lease and we are being told that we cant have guests, nor can we use the deck that is attached to our living room. ;; This was pretty much the only thing about the apartment we enjoyed. ;; Weve had mornings without hot water, a cricket infestation, and walls that sound like they are going to collapse when the heat is turned on. ;;

So, come July 1, we are out. ;; They have agreed to do ;;a walkthrough at that time and give us back our deposit after we leave. ;; This should be interesting, because that is a holiday weekend and it happens to be two weeks before our wedding. ;; This should be one hell of a ride.

Im writing this to vent. ;; I cant believe how crazy these conversations were. ;; I just couldnt get them to see where ;;we were coming from. ;; Maybe its hypocritical, since I am sure they probably felt the same way. ;; They rented the ;;apartment to two adults. ;; We were not going to ;;have parties. ;; However, we were going to have visitors. ;; It shouldnt matter who the visitors were, and as long as we dont ;;intrude on their privacy, there shouldnt be any issue. ;; I feel like they are nervous and are assuming the worste, which is why they are so charged with emotion everytime we talk. ;; The end result is they were ;;not ;;allowing us any freedom. ;; I havent lived with my parents in 6 years, but even that wasnt this bad. ;;






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