

Shared on Tue, 05/02/2006 - 08:52

I probably set my goals high with my last entry. 

The truth is, I dont want to bitch about my landlords all the time. 

So, Ill bitch about my responsibilities with preparing for a wedding in July.  Actually, Im pumped.  I mean there is a ton of stuff to do, but it is definitely going to be one hell of a party.  After that, we head off to St. Lucia for 10 nights.

Weve been engaged since August, so we have been moving along pretty slowly, knocking things off the list.  Now that we are closer to the actual date, we no longer set the pace for getting stuff done.  Last week was 3 hours in Bed Bath and Beyond to register for gifts (what a hellride).  This past weekend we did a walk of the gardens where we are getting married with the photographer and join my folks at a restaurant to try and find a place for the rehearsal dinner.  This week I need to order my wedding band (she got hers last weekend) and get the invitations in the mail. 

Im gonna see what I have to do to post a pic of us.  I think I have one in my work email, that a buddy sent me.




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