Shared on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 03:57Well being in remote areas in Iraq doesn't leave the shopping areas with much Xbox 360 games unless you want to get it modded and thats not happening. Anyways yesterday in the mail the box I have been waiting for from my wife comes in. Of course she sends me the usual items that are hard to get here but included in the big box is my copy of the guitar and Guitar Hero 2 for my 360. I couldn't wait to get home to play it my boss had to let me go early cause I wouldn't stop bothering him about the game and how he should play it. I got back to my room around 630 and had a freaking blast. I ended up playing till 1 in the morning and made my way thru all the easy songs and thru some of the medium. I couldn't believe I didn't get this game on the PS2 when it came out. The only thing I wish you could do is put ur own songs into the game to play that would be a great feature. I could see myself playing some old school R&B to punk the posibilities would be endless. But hopefully that is something they work out for GH3.
- YoYo's blog
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