YoYo's blog


Shared on Thu, 12/05/2013 - 16:30

Time to Get Back to Things I Enjoy

Wassup 2Old2Play, Well after few harsh years and many changes in my life I realize its time to get back to some of the things that I enjoy. This site is one of them. I always enjoyed seeing what my fellow gamers were up to, hoping to one day make the annual Lan trip to Chicago, and got to make friends with a few guys on here that welcomed me to this gaming community. And although I kept my gaming world going I lost this side so my plan is to make my way back into this world and hopefully make some new friends and start enjoying gaming once again.


Shared on Sat, 10/02/2010 - 18:46

Need Help

Wassup Everyone.

I need some help today from whoever can point me the right way. My lil bro's Xbox went down a couple of weeks ago and when he sent it to Microsoft it seems that it is no longer covered under warranty. Anywho I know we have a few guys here on the site that fix Xbox 360's but I can't remember who it is. Can someone please point me in the right direction so that I can help him out.

Thanks Everyone



Shared on Sat, 10/02/2010 - 18:46

Need Help

Wassup Everyone.

I need some help today from whoever can point me the right way. My lil bro's Xbox went down a couple of weeks ago and when he sent it to Microsoft it seems that it is no longer covered under warranty. Anywho I know we have a few guys here on the site that fix Xbox 360's but I can't remember who it is. Can someone please point me in the right direction so that I can help him out.

Thanks Everyone



Shared on Mon, 07/05/2010 - 03:11

Happy 4th Of July

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. Just a lil video for everyone to enjoy to keep them in the festive mood.




Shared on Mon, 07/05/2010 - 03:11

Happy 4th Of July

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. Just a lil video for everyone to enjoy to keep them in the festive mood.




Shared on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 09:33

E3 Games List

We'll my fellow gamers. I've had a chance now to really see as much as I could of E3 from the confort of my crappy internet connection in Iraq and decided that I would make a list of games I'm looking forward too either seeing more info about or getting my grubby hands on them. By no means is this in order its just how I placed them on here.

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - THANK YOU CRITERION for what is looking to be a good NFS game. EA Lets just say your last 4 iterations did not do it for me.


Shared on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 09:33

E3 Games List

We'll my fellow gamers. I've had a chance now to really see as much as I could of E3 from the confort of my crappy internet connection in Iraq and decided that I would make a list of games I'm looking forward too either seeing more info about or getting my grubby hands on them. By no means is this in order its just how I placed them on here.

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - THANK YOU CRITERION for what is looking to be a good NFS game. EA Lets just say your last 4 iterations did not do it for me.


Shared on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 09:14

E3 Sony

Well Sony. I have to say that by far was one of the longest press conferences I have sat thru. Any who on to what I think of your conference. I will start with the PS MOVE, so far I'm liking what I'm seeing although now I’m starting to see the light on your product. The move may serve as a better tool than Kinect but right now time will tell on whether you or MS hit the spot with the casual market and whether you can take it away from Nintendo.


Shared on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 09:14

E3 Sony

Well Sony. I have to say that by far was one of the longest press conferences I have sat thru. Any who on to what I think of your conference. I will start with the PS MOVE, so far I'm liking what I'm seeing although now I’m starting to see the light on your product. The move may serve as a better tool than Kinect but right now time will tell on whether you or MS hit the spot with the casual market and whether you can take it away from Nintendo.


Shared on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 03:42

E3 Nintendo

Ohhh Nintendo. How I love thee. I have stood with you thru thick and thin. I supported you thru the highs and the lows but I have to let you know that although I'm okay with what you are coming with this year. I'm also a lil sad and upset. You have way too many items trying to come down the pipeline during the Holiday season. As a company you guys have always been good about ensuring your Core IPs aren't being oversaturated in one timeframe.

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