BalekFekete's blog


Shared on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 08:27


Sometimes suspense is a good thing. The suspense of a great thriller movie, with an ending that hits you in the jaw like a brick thrown by Nolan Ryan – that’s a good thing. The suspense you have when you’re in the delivery room, still not knowing if you’ll have a new son or daughter – that’s a good thing. The suspense you have while you sit and wait for a new game to come in the mail, while it’s sitting on a truck making its way to your house – THAT SUCKS!


Shared on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 08:27


Sometimes suspense is a good thing. The suspense of a great thriller movie, with an ending that hits you in the jaw like a brick thrown by Nolan Ryan – that’s a good thing. The suspense you have when you’re in the delivery room, still not knowing if you’ll have a new son or daughter – that’s a good thing. The suspense you have while you sit and wait for a new game to come in the mail, while it’s sitting on a truck making its way to your house – THAT SUCKS!


Shared on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 08:42

The Pursuit of (un)Happyness

When reviewing movies here in the blog or out on the forums, I try to pay particular attention to keep them spoiler-free for those people who have not yet had a chance to take in any given flick. However, with this review/commenting, I'm not going to keep to that practice, so be forewarned…


Shared on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 08:42

The Pursuit of (un)Happyness

When reviewing movies here in the blog or out on the forums, I try to pay particular attention to keep them spoiler-free for those people who have not yet had a chance to take in any given flick. However, with this review/commenting, I'm not going to keep to that practice, so be forewarned…


Shared on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 09:12

Captain Obvious Speaks

Men...listen up...


Shared on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 09:12

Captain Obvious Speaks

Men...listen up...


Shared on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 14:56

Birth of a Timmy?

Oh God I hope not!


Shared on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 14:56

Birth of a Timmy?

Oh God I hope not!


Shared on Fri, 03/23/2007 - 19:18

Rock On!!!

I don't normally pre-order games, but rather wait for a game to come out and then gather in some first-hand gamer feedback. Yes, you can get preview information from the various gaming sites across the internet. Yes, you can check out all the developer released teasers and news releases written to tempt us gamers out of our hard earned money. And yes, you can troll the message boards for the fanbois and their ravings about the next end-all-be-all that's coming.


Shared on Fri, 03/23/2007 - 19:18

Rock On!!!

I don't normally pre-order games, but rather wait for a game to come out and then gather in some first-hand gamer feedback. Yes, you can get preview information from the various gaming sites across the internet. Yes, you can check out all the developer released teasers and news releases written to tempt us gamers out of our hard earned money. And yes, you can troll the message boards for the fanbois and their ravings about the next end-all-be-all that's coming.

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