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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
Glock GungalTM shows her guns, sort of...
Angelic GungalTM takes aim with her shorty AR...
Angelic GungalTM needs to work on her 'port arms'...
My beloved Effie and I want to wish each and every one of you a very happy and healthy New Year!! May the Good Lord bless each of you and keep you in the year to come.
Angelic GungalTM covers up one of her guns...
Angelic GungalTM spreads her wings...
GungalTM has some holey camouflage...
Kel-Tec GungalTM wears fashionably ripped jeans...
Kel-tec GungalTM Dana stretches between shots...
Kel-tec GungalTM Dana poses with her wares...
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