mac79's blog


Shared on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 17:22


I just read about 2old4duty. This really sucks. I really love this clan and the people there so obviously I won't delete anyone off of my FL. I also will not leave 2old2play. This site opened the world of LIVE to me. This reminds me of my old Battlefield2 clan. First it divided then, they changed their name lastly it totally disintegrated. The copyright declarations sound serious and I hope that this was a just a big misunderstanding. I'm off to find some cardboard, a sharpie and write "looking for clan" on it.


Shared on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 17:22


I just read about 2old4duty. This really sucks. I really love this clan and the people there so obviously I won't delete anyone off of my FL. I also will not leave 2old2play. This site opened the world of LIVE to me. This reminds me of my old Battlefield2 clan. First it divided then, they changed their name lastly it totally disintegrated. The copyright declarations sound serious and I hope that this was a just a big misunderstanding. I'm off to find some cardboard, a sharpie and write "looking for clan" on it.


Shared on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 14:58

Gaming event in PR

Last Saturday morning I visit a local Gamestop to purchase Soul Calibur IV and I notice a flyer for an event called "GXF - Gaming Explosion Fest". The people behind this call themselves the Puerto Rico Association of Gamers. Its the first of its kind here. I am exited at the thought of more of these types of events taking place on the island. apart from the competition there is gonna be stuff for visitors and expos and demos.


Shared on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 14:58

Gaming event in PR

Last Saturday morning I visit a local Gamestop to purchase Soul Calibur IV and I notice a flyer for an event called "GXF - Gaming Explosion Fest". The people behind this call themselves the Puerto Rico Association of Gamers. Its the first of its kind here. I am exited at the thought of more of these types of events taking place on the island. apart from the competition there is gonna be stuff for visitors and expos and demos.


Shared on Fri, 01/18/2008 - 08:40

Good News


On December of '07 I was diagnosed as a type I diabetic. The situation was really out of control. At this time I was out on vacation in Texas visiting my sister. Her husband is a doctor in pediatrics and noticed me symptoms so I take a blood test. High. Get some lab test done. When i return home I immediately visit my doctor to present my lab results. Yada-yada shoot up insulin 2 times a day, get some other lab tests done after 2 weeks and then go back.


Shared on Fri, 01/18/2008 - 08:40

Good News


On December of '07 I was diagnosed as a type I diabetic. The situation was really out of control. At this time I was out on vacation in Texas visiting my sister. Her husband is a doctor in pediatrics and noticed me symptoms so I take a blood test. High. Get some lab test done. When i return home I immediately visit my doctor to present my lab results. Yada-yada shoot up insulin 2 times a day, get some other lab tests done after 2 weeks and then go back.


Shared on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 07:43

Back to normal

Its weird getting back to work after a week and a half. Last week and the beginning of this week I was away on a couple of Visual Studio workshops. Coming back to work today it feels weird like when you come back from vacation! First order of the day: collect pay check, then off to the HR department to present achievement certificates. It funny the way they say: "Microsoft Certificate of Achievement", I'm getting MS achs even without turning the console on -- Achievement Unlocked! LMAO.


Shared on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 07:43

Back to normal

Its weird getting back to work after a week and a half. Last week and the beginning of this week I was away on a couple of Visual Studio workshops. Coming back to work today it feels weird like when you come back from vacation! First order of the day: collect pay check, then off to the HR department to present achievement certificates. It funny the way they say: "Microsoft Certificate of Achievement", I'm getting MS achs even without turning the console on -- Achievement Unlocked! LMAO.


Shared on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 14:04

Custom LOLCats...

Thanks plato for the link, made the mundayz go by faster!


Shared on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 14:04

Custom LOLCats...

Thanks plato for the link, made the mundayz go by faster!

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