SPARHAWK25's blog


Shared on Sun, 07/08/2012 - 20:03

Argos - no need to wait for me

Back in October I got a new pup.  Argos...same bloodline as I expect big things out of him.  He was 7 lbs when I got him and up to 50 now, so I don't think he'll get huge.  He's a bit high strung...and with all due respect to Nolan Richardson...he has not seen "40 minutes of hell".  Perhaps a slight exageration, but the energy level between a 15 year old dog and a pup is a wee bit different.  I forgot how tough a pup could be at times.  He's really a great dog...everyone is his best friend, house broke, has only destroyed dog toys, prefers creamy over chunky...but he has a couple


Shared on Wed, 07/27/2011 - 15:34

Aslan...The Final Chapter

The ride is over. Last week I had to put my boy down. By far, the hardest thing I ever had to do. Aslan lived for 15 years 3 months, a good run for a golden. The last 5 weeks he had diarrhea and was not eating enough. He spent several days in the dog hospital before coming home and the vets suspected cancer. At his age I did not want to put him through sedation for a scope, or chemo treatments for 28 consecutive weeks. Nutrients were not being absorbed by his body and he was losing about 2 pounds a week. I was sustaining him by giving him sub q fluids daily to keep him hydrated and letting


Shared on Wed, 07/27/2011 - 15:34

Aslan...The Final Chapter

The ride is over. Last week I had to put my boy down. By far, the hardest thing I ever had to do. Aslan lived for 15 years 3 months, a good run for a golden. The last 5 weeks he had diarrhea and was not eating enough. He spent several days in the dog hospital before coming home and the vets suspected cancer. At his age I did not want to put him through sedation for a scope, or chemo treatments for 28 consecutive weeks. Nutrients were not being absorbed by his body and he was losing about 2 pounds a week. I was sustaining him by giving him sub q fluids daily to keep him hydrated and letting


Shared on Mon, 06/14/2010 - 11:36

2old2playHALO LAN 2010



1)      Trip breakers 17 times

2)      Consume copious amounts of alcohol

3)      Shitloads of Halo

4)      Medic’s filet mignon for everyone (including Aslan)

5)      26 total people attending (3 non Halo playing spouses for jocularity and to lower the total percentage of testosterone)

6)      Watch Cincinnati boy Rich Franklin pwn some nub

7)      Great time hanging with clanmates & friends



Shared on Mon, 06/14/2010 - 11:36

2old2playHALO LAN 2010



1)      Trip breakers 17 times

2)      Consume copious amounts of alcohol

3)      Shitloads of Halo

4)      Medic’s filet mignon for everyone (including Aslan)

5)      26 total people attending (3 non Halo playing spouses for jocularity and to lower the total percentage of testosterone)

6)      Watch Cincinnati boy Rich Franklin pwn some nub

7)      Great time hanging with clanmates & friends



Shared on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 12:44

Aslan Part Deux

I had several people ask about Aslan, so I thought I would do an update. Aslan’s 14th birthday is today. I just gave him a little ice cream and maybe later I will let him go trolling the park for some doggie strange. 


Shared on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 12:44

Aslan Part Deux

I had several people ask about Aslan, so I thought I would do an update. Aslan’s 14th birthday is today. I just gave him a little ice cream and maybe later I will let him go trolling the park for some doggie strange. 


Shared on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 20:25

Hello Mrs. Robinson

I have a friend that claims to often say inappropriate things. She calls it “lacking a filter”. It is a phrase I am going to adopt.


Shared on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 20:25

Hello Mrs. Robinson

I have a friend that claims to often say inappropriate things. She calls it “lacking a filter”. It is a phrase I am going to adopt.


Shared on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 11:52


So….I was in the other room the other night, either watching TV or masturbating, and I heard a loud crash. I started going towards the noise and a few seconds later, my dog lets out loud howls of pain, ones I have never heard from him. I run over to him, he is on the ground motionless, his food ejected on the carpet, and he is laying in his own urine. After saying fuck a dozen times, he regains his senses after about 15 seconds…it was all the swearing. My thought is that he either had a stroke or was choking, and when he fell on the floor it dislodged his kibble.

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