Black Ops 2-my take on the good and bad

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#1 Sun, 09/02/2012 - 23:42
goodSHotIamnoT's picture
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Black Ops 2-my take on the good and bad

My views on the good and bad of what we've seen for info released so far on BLOPS2....



No final stand/last stand/second chance (hopefully no deathstreaks at all)

Ghost will now only hide you from radar when you're moving

Pick 10 create-a-class & improved perk balancing, no pro perks to grind

No game ending killstreak (although higher score streaks haven't been fully revealed)

One scorestreak loadout, no specialist, no support

Appears that players will be rewarded for PTFO in obj game modes

Added modes like multi-team TDM & King of the Hill style "Hardpoint"

Possibility of upgraded A.I. for Combat Training allowing modes other than TDM/FFA to be played

BIG return of Zombies, including a possible Zombie campaign mode & expanded co-op



Killstreaks (lots of killstreaks) which continue the trend of taking COD away from gun on gun arcade style action

Continued addition of new gadgets like shock charges plantable riot shields

Return of the RC-XD, 'nuff said, timmies like remote controlled cars lol (looks like they will be well balanced by using Flak Jacket)

Anything appearing to be borrowed from MW3, such as weapons like the MP-7 & ACR, although TreyArch does seem to have a bit more consistency balancing weapons

Level up/unlocks, looks like you will have to prestige multiple times to gain access to everything in the create a class


Hopefully this game learns from the mistakes of MW3, I really hope they focus on hit detection and not go with the same lag comp that Infinity Ward/Sledgehammer used. If TreyArch can get things nailed down right this title may breathe a little new life back into the Call of Duty series, if not this may be the middle of the beginng of the end for COD.

Here's keeping my fingers crossed!



Mon, 09/03/2012 - 16:24
IBL1208's picture
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Well Blops 2 has alot of work to do if they are going to make up for all that was wrong with MW 3. I have allways been a big fan of the COD series, but with MW 3 i almost gave up the whole thing. And right now i am forcing my self to look at Blops with " a new pair of eyes" Because if Blops 2 are a big fail as Mw 3 then for me the COD series are finished

Mon, 09/03/2012 - 19:11 (Reply to #2)
goodSHotIamnoT's picture
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Exactly Norway & I think you called it right in those first few matches we played last fall after MW3 came out, like you said, the game seemed to cater to campers too much with so many spots to hide and tools to enable camping. MW3 really went bad when they started heavy on the lag comp, hopefully BO2 fixes some of those problems. In the meantime I've pretty well shelved MW3 except for playing some chaos mode here & there and am keeping an eye on the development of BO2. If you want to play some BLOPS sometime hit me up when you see me online......

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 10:23 (Reply to #3)
Lala Calamari's picture
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IBL1208 wrote:

Well Blops 2 has alot of work to do if they are going to make up for all that was wrong with MW 3. I have allways been a big fan of the COD series, but with MW 3 i almost gave up the whole thing. And right now i am forcing my self to look at Blops with " a new pair of eyes" Because if Blops 2 are a big fail as Mw 3 then for me the COD series are finished


Maybe I got a different MW3 disc than you but I think MW3 is the best CoD title to date.  Not sure what all the issues everyone has with the game.  Only problem I see is just franchise fatigue.  Funny how a fail title like MW3 is tops on XBox Lives play list. 

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 12:33 (Reply to #4)
drewcor's picture
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Lala Calamari wrote:

IBL1208 wrote:

Well Blops 2 has alot of work to do if they are going to make up for all that was wrong with MW 3. I have allways been a big fan of the COD series, but with MW 3 i almost gave up the whole thing. And right now i am forcing my self to look at Blops with " a new pair of eyes" Because if Blops 2 are a big fail as Mw 3 then for me the COD series are finished


Maybe I got a different MW3 disc than you but I think MW3 is the best CoD title to date.  Not sure what all the issues everyone has with the game.  Only problem I see is just franchise fatigue.  Funny how a fail title like MW3 is tops on XBox Lives play list. 


I generally don't agree with a thing this guy says, but I agree with him on this one opinion.  Yes, Treyarch makes a good game.  W@W and Blops are clearly my favorite COD titles, but MW3 isn't a half bad.  Especially compared to it's predecessor, MW2.  I think my only complaint I have with MW3 (besides the annoyances which are inherent in all COD titles; examples: lag, camping, slightly unbalanced weapons, etc.) is that I'm bored with it and ready for something new.  But that's just me, and I operate on a different level than the rest of you when it comes to Call of Duty games.   

Thu, 09/06/2012 - 16:04
ferretgr's picture
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Never understood the MW3 hate. I played the sh*t out of that game.

Thu, 09/06/2012 - 19:41
Lala Calamari's picture
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I don't get it either.  I guess it's the "Hate the popular" type of thing.  MW3 is the most played game on XBox, they must be doing something right.  My only issue with MW3 is just franchise fatiuge.  We've really been playing the same CoD game since CoD 4 Modern Warfare which was release in 2007.  All the following games are just reskinned and tweaked a bit. 

Sun, 09/09/2012 - 01:46
Schultz's picture
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I played hundreds of hours of MW3, but 6 months down the road, I felt like what I was playing was simply less fun than Black Ops2.

Lots of things I liked about BlOps weren't there, or were kinda broken.  And the Lag Comp in my experience, was far worse than was in BlOps.

So I just went back to playing BlOps with the boys on Fri nights, and haven't touched MW3 since shortly after the first map pack dropped.


One thing is for certain - even if I were still playing MW3, after BlOps2 drops there would definitely be no reason to ever throw in MW3 again.

Black Ops2 is going to walk all over MW3....once things get patched up & balanced out in a couple of months ;)


I REALLY like what they are doing now with create-a-class, and the changes to the Hardcore playlist.

I hear the zombie mode is now running on the mp code instead of the sp code, so the shooting might be more solid too.

Yea, I'm really hyped for BlOps2 this Nov.

Sun, 09/09/2012 - 12:29 (Reply to #8)
goodSHotIamnoT's picture
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Schultz wrote:

I REALLY like what they are doing now with create-a-class, and the changes to the Hardcore playlist.

I hear the zombie mode is now running on the mp code instead of the sp code, so the shooting might be more solid too.

Yea, I'm really hyped for BlOps2 this Nov.


To me these are two of the most exciting features coming up in BLOPS2  The create a class looks like it will give great customization to loadouts and I'm hyped for the upgraded/improved Zombies mode, there has even been rumors of a Zombie campaign being included, that sounds extremely cool!!!

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 09:24
Grex's picture
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Just no damn space monkeys.  hated those things.

Sat, 09/22/2012 - 00:01
yaok888's picture
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seems like MW3 was foobarred bc of the Infinity Ward West and Zampella blowup and Sledgehammer being thrown in to bandaid the game together for release time.

To play it safe, they pretty much cloned MW2, but with shittier maps and worse spawns and worse lag compensation.

this is why MW3 gets lots of hate - b/c it is basically MW 2.5.

I have always favored treyarch games as they seem to have better maps game flow and balance and are pretty responsive to patch glitches.


PS - while I'm not preoreding it, MOH Warfighter is coming out w/a Beta (really a DEMO) next month:

I will likely preorder BO2 even though I'O“The Medal of Honor Warfighter multiplayer beta will be available for a limited time in early October exclusively for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system,” writes EA. The beta “will feature a brand new multiplayer mode called HotSpot, where players attack and defend randomly-selected locations on the Sarajevo Stadium map in Bosnia.”



Sat, 09/22/2012 - 17:37 (Reply to #11)
Lala Calamari's picture
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yaok888 wrote:

this is why MW3 gets lots of hate - b/c it is basically MW 2.5.


Have you actually played MW3?  Because it's nothing like MW2.  It's not even close.

Sun, 09/23/2012 - 23:01 (Reply to #12)
yaok888's picture
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I'm 1st prestige on both xbox and ps3 with MW3.   I kinda gave up after that.

everyone runs around with either mp7 or acr with blind eye, assassin and sitrep pro.


I'm not saying BF3 doesn't have problems, it has big problems, but it's no rehash of BC2.

I kinda think BF3 is a downgrade from BC2, but that's another story.


not trying to get into a flame war, just giving my opinion as I do enjoy WaW and Black Ops in the COD series - and those are both Treyarch games.

MW2 was also good,  but the unpatched glitches and Infinity ward vs Activision fight just destroyed that game.

I have decent hopes for BO2 as Treyarch seems to make better playing games.


Lots of folks like MW3 so it's gotta have some good points, but just speaking for myself - it's not fun anymore.






Sun, 09/23/2012 - 23:13 (Reply to #13)
goodSHotIamnoT's picture
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Lala Calamari wrote:

yaok888 wrote:

this is why MW3 gets lots of hate - b/c it is basically MW 2.5.


Have you actually played MW3?  Because it's nothing like MW2.  It's not even close.


Yup, you got that right, MW3 is nothing like MW2, at least 2 didn't have lag comp and it had good hit detection....


But back on topic the BO2 Zombies reveal is 2 days away, from the sneak peak clip Treyarch put out it looks like Zombies is going to be pretty epic this time around...

Mon, 10/22/2012 - 08:57
Cerberus4417's picture
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I agree the problem I had with MW3 was just the title exhaustion.  When I look back and try to figure out what I loved MW1 so much was because it was fresh and something new.  It was also simple.  You had a gun, one attachment and your perks.  KS were the same every game.  Instead of just building on that a little IW blew the game up and dropped tons of unbalanced shit in MW2.  The did tone it back a little in MW3 and it was fun but by the time that game came out, I think the community is getting tired of the Title.  


Treyach does make a good game and they get crap cause they didn't do the original COD so they get this "Copied" reputation.   I was not a big fan of W@W but I think the WW2 stuff was played out by then. We all wanted the more modern theme coming off MW1 at the time.  Blops was a great game.  I really enjoyed playing that one.  I think it is right behind MW1 in COD game in my mind.  Well balanced (except ak74u but Treyarch loves their smgs), Maps were laid out well, Spawns were good, KS were not too overpowered, and the lag was okay ( I think the recording feature needed to be worked on). 


I think Blops 2 will be good.  I like the refresh in idea.  They also built in a large ability to create whatever they want now since they are not bound by the actual guns.  No "How the F*** does a M4 w/ 5.56 rounds kill faster then an AK with 7.62????" Everything I have seen shows the title is not the same.  Look forward to it.  

Thu, 10/25/2012 - 02:54
overblownmonkey's picture
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goodSHotIamnoT wrote:

My views on the good and bad of what we've seen for info released so far on BLOPS2....




Ghost will now only hide you from radar when you're moving




Killstreaks (lots of killstreaks) which continue the trend of taking COD away from gun on gun arcade style action






what can i say other than i completly agree with these 2 points impaticular :) 
in previous COD'S i had been getting irratated slightly by heavy campers . now I don't meen all campers those that have ducked out for a second to reload or those proper snipers thats fine but hiding in a tiny corner on top of crates with a rapid fire  smg  or assualt rifle  makes no sence to me so the ghost while moving is a great option .. 

the killstreaks on the other hand there is more than enough already if not too many when people are in a match not even a minute before they get juganaut or something spectacular you start to wander how its possible with 18 people running around  dropping like flys how do these few get this so quick ? .. i'd suggest a time limit on streaks like first 2 mins of a round you can not use them and again for the last min or so many points because as you statewd here half the streaks can end the game in split moments :( 

hope i have not baffled on to long with age comes wisdom with wisdom comes words and thoughts and there are plenty of both to go round :P 

Thu, 10/25/2012 - 23:11 (Reply to #16)
Schultz's picture
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overblownmonkey wrote:
i'd suggest a time limit on streaks like first 2 mins of a round you can not use them and again for the last min or so many points because as you statewd here half the streaks can end the game in split moments :( 

I wouldn't want this.  I enjoy saving a killstreak for the final killcam.  Watching someone have a missle land on their head, or get burned by a Napalm strike, makes for a much more cool ending to a match, than some doofus spraying wildly.

Mon, 10/29/2012 - 13:14 (Reply to #17)
overblownmonkey's picture
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Schultz wrote:

overblownmonkey wrote:
i'd suggest a time limit on streaks like first 2 mins of a round you can not use them and again for the last min or so many points because as you statewd here half the streaks can end the game in split moments :( 

I wouldn't want this.  I enjoy saving a killstreak for the final killcam.  Watching someone have a missle land on their head, or get burned by a Napalm strike, makes for a much more cool ending to a match, than some doofus spraying wildly.

yeah must admit it would be a shame to miss a great kill streak ending maybe just the first 2 mins then :P gives chance for the war to be in full swing 

Thu, 10/25/2012 - 22:53
KamakazeTaco's picture
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How much do you have to move for Ghost to take effect? Not really like it's that hard to continue sitting in a corner and just slightly wiggle the left stick to "move".

Mon, 11/12/2012 - 12:49
yaok888's picture
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I agree on the comment about Overpowered Killstreaks taking away from the game

however treyarch is pretty good about game balance so I figure they will be able to Nerf whatever things players use to become OP.

from looking at the videos BO2 seems like a cross between Blops1 and MW3 - guns have low recoil but take more bullets to kill.

not sure if I like this as sights + recoil give each weapon a different flavor.

making everything low-powered bullet hoses kinda makes things too vanilla or OVER balanced,  but I'll guess we'll see tomorrow.


***  PS - if you guys want a cool site for experimenting with the new Pick 10 class system - try playing around at this website

NOTE: you need to have Java enabled and this is PRE-Release so it may allow some combinations (like 2 sights on 1 gun) that are illegal in the real game




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