Game Collections - Keep or Crap?

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#1 Sat, 09/08/2012 - 09:55
Caduceus's picture
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Game Collections - Keep or Crap?

After you've finished a game, do you typically get rid of it/sell it/donate it/give it to a friend or do you enshrine your games in wall of boxes collecting dust to be perused with a sense of accomplishment?



Sat, 09/08/2012 - 11:06
MrGuster's picture
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I generally keep it. I never know when I will get back into it or get the itch to play it again. 

Also, if I complete the game on an easier difficulty, I will try the harder ones later when I get a chance. FOr instance, I jsut finished the originial Modern Warfare on Veteran. I am currently deciding wether or not to try Kingdoms of Amalur on Hard. I may not do it for another year or two so there is no point in me getting rid of it.

Sat, 09/08/2012 - 11:55
LocGaw's picture
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It depends on the game. Some have sentimental value, such as Colony Wars(even though I dont own a PS1) or PSO for the dreamcast. Others that I keep would be games released at the end of a consoles life like Record of Lodoss war. Some games are rare and worth keeping, like Lunar or BGDA2. Some games I keep just because I would be embarressed to trade them in.


/looks at his favorite Two Worlds coaster.


Most games will get traded in, even if they are only worth a couple bucks.

Sun, 09/09/2012 - 09:00
ATC_1982's picture
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Most of my games get traded in to get newer games .... One set of games I would love to keep or have again is Shadow Hearts ... 

Tue, 09/11/2012 - 09:46
CiaranORian's picture
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I never trade in games. I think I have about 650 now for various platforms.

Wed, 09/12/2012 - 12:22
Caduceus's picture
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In the past, I have held onto stuff, but then ultimately get rid of it.

I am still selective.  I have a lot of "unfinished" games, but have been better about getting rid of things I am never going to play again, mostly sent off to Amazon for credit.

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 06:22
BlowMonkey's picture
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Mostly hold on to them - sometimes I'll trade in some I don't like but generally I'm too lazy for that and live far away from any place that takes trades etc.  Some I would never trade or give away though (Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Uncharted games etc.) because I love them :D and I think they have replay value.

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 12:51 (Reply to #7)
Mr402's picture
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BlowMonkey wrote:

Mostly hold on to them - sometimes I'll trade in some I don't like but generally I'm too lazy for that and live far away from any place that takes trades etc.  Some I would never trade or give away though (Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Uncharted games etc.) because I love them :D and I think they have replay value.


Yea I'm the same.  Single player franchises that I love like God of War and Metal Gear I will never trade in.  Story driven rpg's as well.   Multiplayer or sports games get traded in everytime.  Really just depends how much I connect with a series.    

Fri, 09/14/2012 - 16:14
Marine1Ten's picture
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If I am going to re-sell a new game, I do it within a month. If it is one I am going to keep then into my collection it goes. Best to sell a game that's two years or less. Older than that, you won't get much at gamestop; but may on Ebay. Sometimes, I can't get into a game that has just come out and I wait 'till I get 'round to it. Ex  just finished Witcher 2, great action RPG and do not regret paying pre-order price. Will hang on to that title and play the next installment.

Sometimes wish we had a place to list our games for sale here. or a library for loan. (dunno why my text changed). :)


Thu, 10/04/2012 - 13:05
MrManbat's picture
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I keep them Xbox/PC games even the crappy ones to remind me how crap that game was

Sun, 10/07/2012 - 15:20
Onesimos's picture
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I generally keep them. If they are especially awful, they get introduced to something destructive like a firearm or microwave.

If I can pawn them off on others, sometimes I take that route.

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