Issues with next XBox chip?
Thu, 09/06/2012 - 14:49
Issues with next XBox chip?
Rumors floating around that the chip for the next XBox may be having issues, and could cause potential delay.
This is no surprise to me.
I know i'm one of the few but good god, if its gonna cost me $800 or whatever to get a good console that won't break down the first month then build it and I'll buy it.
I'm sick and tired of shelling out money for some piece of shit that's gonna have issues right off the bat because they're trying to cheapen the hell out of it when an extra $200 or whatever would get me a decent to good machine.
This rant stems from the fact I buy local whenever I can. I'm already spending x amount of dollars, if I need to spend another $100 for a good one I'm gonna do it.
This could be bad for MS. Being first in this market is extremely important.
plus Sony only needs three things to make more appealing than the Xbox.
1. Controller for Adults. Thats small piece of shit thats ships with the PS3 is just too damn small.
2. Perfect the PSN network. Make it more accesible, less complicated and more reliable.
3. Eliminate the Blu Ray and make it cheaper for those who don't need it.
Blu-Ray is pretty damn cheap bud. Are they gonna go back to dvd?
DVDs are still too expensive. Audio cassettes would free up some design budget so they could afford to build a better controller.
So build an Xbox?
There, fixed that for you...
They'll just launch it like they did the 360, there will be like only 10% of the supply they really need for launch and it'll come out with problems to be 'patched' later. It's the way of the industry.
Could this be a sign of what can happen when you threaten your Asian partners with your own hardware, aka Microsoft Surface?
X-Box fan boy topic?
honestly, for $800.00 I can build a damn fine puter box. And they know it. Hell, you can buy a good puter for that.
It may not even cost quite that much to build a good gaming rig. I know they are trying to build a machine that lasts 7+ years, but the components to do that are out now, really, and are much more solid than this article claims the chipset is for the new XBox. Considering they use custom dev kits for these consoles, they don't need to put the latest and greatest out for a system to keep it going for years. The 360 has gone 7 years now (8-9 by the time the next system is out), and it's way underpowered compared to a PC. If MS releases another system with a high defect rate on launch, it doesn't bode well for them. Especially if Nintendo or Sony finally put out a real competitor to XBox Live.
If this is true, it looks like I may wait for the second rev of hardware this generation as well.
All true. The dedicated consoles don't need to run all the software or even hardware a computer does, and that does streamline the software development, reduce the cost of components and stretch the capabilities of a somewhat lesser advanced system. Still, the almighty "pricepoint" of marketing/sales is a huge barrier to developing one of these. i'd say a unreliable release coupled with an improved Sony online presence would do them major harm.
The unreliable security reputation of Sony online coupled with all the Timmies really hurts them.
On the other hand, who wants an overheating console that eats discs?
Even without the security issues of last year, Sony's online was a major pain. They are in trouble if they don't completely overhaul their network.
Issue is I think Microsoft own a lot of patents in regards to online gaming features. I would think that the PSN we be a lot better by now.
Silly Sony. Should have done this with the PS2
Hmm so reading the report, it's the production of the chips that may have hit a problem, not a reliabilaty doubt we have those yet to come...They are going to have to go some to tempt back those of us that have switched to PC over the last year or so, stuff like triple screen out the box is a must. The eye candy has to be wow and then some and the online gaming on the ball from the off.
I guess you can read that two ways - either the chips themselves are unreliable, or production is an issue causing the vast majority of chips to be bad. It would probably tell more if it's a case of the chips being bad right out of production, or if the chips work for a while before dying.
Knight, speak Engrish you sod! Sigh, now you've got me doing it...
Three screens one box would rock. But I think it's a added cost not effective for the general masses. There's still three screens necessary and who other than racers use it? Even then, how many would spring for more screens? I doubt it.
Actually FPS players, and Skyrim type gamers...and flight sim nuts, the youtubes are full of folk showing off their triple rigs not just sim racers. As the latest PC cards offer triples then why not consoles? After all the new xbox wil offer upgradable video card options. Three monitors are far cheaper than three consoles and three screens which is what you need to do now.
The new console is going to have to offer everything you can get from your PC if it is going to be as succesfull as the 360, that was on a par with the most powerful domestic PC's of the time...After all they are talking of games moving from platform to platform seamlessly so why would anyone with a decent gaming PC buy one?
Well I will answer that question in one, to be able to play games by just turning on the machine and clicking on the play game icon, no driver issues, no OS problems and truely plug and play periphials but by the time it comes out we will be on the next cycle of PC hardware, Triple screen option will be the norm rather than just on high end cards. Nvidea have already brought the cost down again with the GTX 660...It took a lot to move me from PC to Console, it is going to take a lot to get me to buy the next one, it will need to do everything my current rig does, and prove it does it with less hassle and cheaper.
I hope that was all in nice and easy to understand English for you
The next console cannot be near the price of even a mediocre gaming rig. If it was, what would be the point?
I can almost guarantee that, if they don't already exist, there will be a gpu that will kick the hell out of the next high-end console. Then, you can sli two to four of them together and REALLY start doing works.
Nope, the next Box had better be affordable or I'll be ignoring it even more than I already do my 360 and PS3.
Once you go PC you feel cheap playing things on a console.
Still, I hope they get their problems ironed out, I still have friends that are enslaved by them. ;)
It'll do, it'll do.
It's not needed for Diablo3 or Minecraft, which mostly sums up my PC gaming atm, but I do see the allure of a COunterstrike/QUake/HAlo set up. I don't play those on a console anyway though, because I absolutely hate the double joystick format.
Which brings me to my next bitch/demand.
I want to plug a USB mouse into the next console and play my shooter games. Do that and I'm on board. And at that point, you better watch your ass, cause I'm deadly accurate and quite quick.
YOu can do this now, it just requires a middleware device. Check out the Xim3, probably the best of such products this generation. i have one and love it.
Heh I kinda got used to it but I remember being driven crazy when I first swapped mouse for pad in shooters...Only games I play really on the PC now are racers...Skyrim got boreing after a few hoursand I haven't got a game shop anywhere near me these days so don't get tempted by games saying buy me like I did. Downloading is just sooo data intensive my racing tends to eat it up. Still waiting for a PC shooter that really says you must play me. Got Battlefield 3 free for the box and didn't really dig it, Homefront was the last one, lovely to look at but the game play....not so hot, and it was glitchy.
Ooooo, time to kick some teenage ass...
You can get arrested for that kinda behavior...But I fully approve.
I tottaly agree.