RaceRoom Racing Experience
Sun, 09/09/2012 - 21:07
RaceRoom Racing Experience
Anybody else tried this? A teaser was released last week and is free to try on steam. I think it is pretty good for a teaser.
Anybody else tried this? A teaser was released last week and is free to try on steam. I think it is pretty good for a teaser.
I noticed this on the Free to Play area on Steam.
Any good?
It's free and really not half bad. It is the amateur setup so there assists on and lots of under steering, but I am looking forward to the full release. Free to play and micro transactions for cars and tracks sould be nice.
What may make it winner is you only buy the cars and tracks you want...depending on those costs of course. Most of my racing titles are full of cars I drive once and a handfull I drive constantly...The demo of course will tell us little because you cannot turn the aids off, but it is on my download list for next week, just to see if it may live up to the hype...at least it's not another rF1 clone. I still think Assetto Corsa is the one to look out for, don't know why, just a hunch.
Micro transactions? I like the sound of that...
I gave it a whirl this evening. Great eye candy to be sure and I'll keep an eye out for full release to see how in depth the racing really is.
Exactly! I look at Race Pro for the XBox... some great ideas there but execution was sloppy to say the least and that was a "quality" Simbin product. Full on racing rules and the mulitplayer will be the kicker for me. I doubt you'll see modding in RaceRoom seeing as how its basically the same model as iracing (pay for cars, pay for tracks).
As for the game itself, I was able to assign buttons which was good because the game didn't recognize my standard Fanatec pedals. I was able to map them though which allowed me to play the game.
We will see in time how the game pans out.
Just downloading now so will give it a spin later.
Been excepted on the Beta test program, just signed the NDA and await the email
...Thats three beta's that will be on my hard drive by tomorrow. 
I've been selected for the beta as well !!
congrats! youll be surprised :) may not be the bestest but the little they give you to test will have you wanting more :)
the sound will give you goose bumps and get the heart pumping.......not gonna lie the current car selection kinda sucks, they change them up everyother week and on off weeks switch in 2 tracks.......keep in mind its only a 2 month old beta so some things have not been implamentd yet.....espeically ingame button mapping and camera adjusting
Mapo you found us :-)
So three of us now, just downloading Over 4 gigs...thats going to take a while, gonna have to pause it for a GBR endurence race as well.
since we signed a DNA forum and are not suppossed to release any info about the beta i came across a very popular forum that everyone can acess, seems there not too concerned about the disclosesure and leaking some info for those that are curious about the game :)
cant boot me cause i never gave away anything lol
Few folk already got kicked if you read through, seems generic info is okay but details are a no no.
Always worries me when they like that. Does that mean its going to be crap?
No, we all sign a non disclosure order, break the terms of that and your booted from the closed beta. Have you tried the free demo? it's not too shabby.
Can someone tell me how to get into the beta forums? i was in it day one but cant bring it up anymore from the games homepage......does it have a web address?
http://beta.game.raceroom.com/dashboard/ ...may work.
Hmm didn't find myself too exited about this, but it at a very early stage so will reserve judgment. FFB average, not a patch on rF2. Graphics not at all bad, to be expected they always did more with the ISI engine as well.
Very early....only 2 months in but i feel its made more progression in that short time than some of the other games that have been in the works for a while, not sure if the prices are official but they seem to have gone up? Will have to see where they go with offline and multiplayer mode before considering purchasing any content......If iam correct i read an article i believe posted in pc gamer that said the earlier annoucement of gtr 3 has turned into this project....but wasnt 100% certain if thats official? would make sense why there hasnt been a single update on gtr3 since the release news of this game 6 months ago.
You have put rf2 on a pedastoll knight!
if and when i pull the trigger i better be mind fucked by the physics and ffb lol
I have done nothing of the sort, as I have said I own it so am coming from the view of someone who runs it, yes it has flaws and is far from perfect, but I cannot help but compare can I? Graphics yes just about every other Sim coming out has it beat, but ISI have gone a different route, Physics first, based on their Pro F1 software...Not a bad geneoligy you have to admit, the eye candy can be bolted on after. There is still work to be done on them all, Simbin have been working on that engine for some time, not just the couple of months it has been out in beta.
Assetto Corsa is one I am looking forward to trying, moddable like rF2, reports are encouriging, we will see.
I do find it strange how you have to pay to play Beta's.gif)
Do you get the full game once the beta is done and for a cheaper price?
I suppose its a good way to get in to new games early.
I know that is what Notch did with Minecraft. I bought the beta in the summer of 2011 and played the hell out of it. When the final release came out I just had to do an update.
That is also how ISI is doing it with RF2. Luckily I won a lifetime license so I didn't have to pay anything
Not sure if that is how these beta's are being handled but that would be my guess.
You are in effect buying the game, with rF2 you have ISI's rather odd way of doing things were the game is no longer referred to as beta but "constantly evolving" Pcars where once it goes gold you get sent the game disc and so forth. In effect you are buying the game in advance and getting to play around while the game is being developed and having the chance to maybe suggest improvements that can find their way into the finished game.
Heres some info that was on there site....
Yeah that is one big plus to this one, very resonable pricing compared with iRacing.
yet to confirm a single player or multiplayer?