Off the grid for the forseeable future
Mon, 09/10/2012 - 05:50
Off the grid for the forseeable future
Well the idiots at three have finally acknowledged that it is the Cell that is the problem and that it cannot deal with the amount of traffic it gets during the evening, something I have known from the start and told them so two months ago. Unfortunately for me that means I have to wait for the thing to be upgraded. So in reality it could be months before I am able to race in the evening. I will at least only be paying half rate while I am only getting half the service, but I would rather be racing....Oh well, I will be back when I'm back, till then you guys have fun and I will see you when I see you.
Bummer m8 hope your back soon
You better still be on the PC Knight!
Yes mate as the GBR Races run early evening I can make those, and the R2P servers are somehow better at dealing with slow speeds I will be turning up more there.
Shitty mate. At least now they've been forced to remove the blinders.
Way to go mate, way to stick it to internet/cable company!
Bummer it'll be a while for it to get fixed, but at least now it's on the list to get resolved.
That really is a pain in the arse. You never know they might upgrade it sooner than you expect. OK so now we have got rid of Knight its time to finish off the Austin Healy series.
I did say you might as well, for over half that series I was only there because...well it was my serie, I couldn't race thanks to the damn lag.
I hope they do fix it sooner rather than later but it's a forlorn hope...just wish there was an alternative, but they have no competition out here.
Fitzy, let's set it for next week, I don't think half a days notice is adequate...
Sounds like there's room for competition there based on service Knight, shame no one wants to pony up and give it a try.
The problem there is the only way to get broadband is via the mobile network, they all use the same Cell, so though in theory I could switch from the NBS to a more expensive standard mobile broadband account with a rival supplier but it would just mean I would have the same problem and be spending more with no garranteed minimum service. There are simply not enough customers per square mile for any cable company to lay cables so we are between a rock and a hard place.
I hope they do it soon Knight.
Can you get BB through your phone line?
LOL if only, our lines were put in some thirty years ago and we are not only on a shared line, but last in the line back to the exchange...hence the only option being mobile BB.
So we just need that 400,000 meters of Optical Cable and a route to lay it from my house to yours then