how to friend for halo tournaments
Tue, 09/11/2012 - 14:41
how to friend for halo tournaments
Hello everyone! So glad to find you guys I have been playn Halo since it was first introduced. Now I think I have place to play with people my own age!! My wife is really gonna love this oooh boy anyway just wanted to introduce myself. My gamertag is Thee Mack J I mainly play Halo online. I'm from Los Angeles. I play whenever I can which is usually at night after 7pm. so send me a friend request . Thanks and enjoy everyone!!
Welcome BeZE. I'm sure a Halo guy will be along shortly to help you out
thanks I'm sure they will
welcome to the house!!!
check out the "Halo Division" to see all the happenings for REACH, H3, and the upcoming H4.
you'll find plenty of players to hook up with there. you can also get on the Friends of Friends tag. it only uses one spot on your friends list, but gives you access to a bunch of currently active players.
every thursday night is an open room(s) for members of the site to get into some custom matches. the skill range is from hero to zero, so don't worry about fitting in. nobody fits in around here
there are also other events to get in on, so head on over and make some friends!!!
the only game i really play is halo, so hit me up anytime. GT: wamam87
if you have any questions about the site, feel free to send me a PM or post something here.
Thanks waman87!! I'm a Halo freak myself been playing since the first day they started the online platform. The great thing is I no longer compete with my kids for the XBox haahaha they all moved out!! well thanks once again for info and feel free to hit me up anytime Later
Welcome to CrazyTown!.gif)
Welcome to the site! Lots of great peeps here- catch you on Halo, Nirvy
welcome to the mad house