A new Halo Fan
Fri, 09/07/2012 - 13:47
A new Halo Fan
I'm a close to 40 Halo fan who just got re-hooked on gaming this year. The kids getting an xbox has been awesome. I'm on several nights a week so look me up if you want to play. My name is my gamertag. I wont help much on the win, but I'll catch a lot of the other team's ammo :)
Really glad I saw that Hog wars post.
Looking forward to playing with you all.
Try gaming with the 2old2play Halo clan, we got lots of room.
welcome to the house!!!
You ever play Forza or any Racing game on the PC have a look at 2O4Forza and 2O2Race.gif)
Welcome aboard
Check out the Halo Division forum for H4 and general Halo stuff. Also, you may want to send an FR to A1Halo2o2p, the Halo Division friend of friends gamertag as a way of seeing whose online. Instructions in the Division forum.
Welcome to CrazyTown!.gif)
Lots of Halo guys & gals here! I'm sure you'll find someone to fit in with.
welcome to the mad house