f1 2012 demo
Mon, 09/10/2012 - 08:23
f1 2012 demo
For those interested, demo is up.
For those interested, demo is up.
I'm going to have to check this one out. I never played the previous game, so I'm curious.
Thanks for the heads up Shark.
Same here!!
Geez, another game I don't have time for. Dirt 3, MotoGP2012,13,14. F1 2009,2010,2011,2012. How do you other guys find time in the day without your better half, ie spouses, girlfriends etc ripping your heads off? I wish there were more hours in the day, days in the week, weeks in the years. Some days I do wish I were single. For just a instant. Then my rational half brings me back to earth. Right before the frying pan hits me.
Living vicariously through you.
2012???...C'mon...Should be 2013....2012 is almost over and in December we are all done for anyway according to the Mayans!!

I have F1 2011 for the PC, and it is outstanding. As you would expect from a Codemasters racing game, the force feedback is superb, its strong and you feel just about everything (curbs, walls, etc.) The game also looks great, of course PC is going to have an advantage over 360, but I am sure the graphics on 360 hold their own. The track selection is amazing, they have got a lot of great tracks, some of which I did not know were F1 tracks. I had previously tried F1 2010 for 360, and it was ungodly hard. F1 2011 is also tough, but its still accessible. I have not won a race yet, but I have come close, and the game does not make you win in order to advance in the Career mode, a nice accommodation for those of us that lack the time and/or skills the master every track. There is no grind here, you get to experience the game, even if you don't do well. Weather is a real challenge, I cannot go fast in the rain, even though the AI can! You can turn on some assists, but some rules that are unique to F1 racing cannot be turned off, such as black flags for going the wrong way and/or causing an accident.
In short, the F1 series is a great one, and I would expect this demo to also be great. I cannot wait to try it out.
Will have to have a look at this.
I enjoyed F1 2010 up untill I got to Monaco. What a hard track
Although I am a fan of the real thing I have never really got into any of the games in a real way....I have 2010 and 2011 on the xbox and did one full season in both and that's it, back in the pile...Might try this out with the triples on PC though, might just add that extra something to swing me....Oh and Monacco.gif)
yes, F1 2011 on the triples is amazing. You have to tweak it to make it right for you. I needed some assists in order to be able to keep the cars on the track. I also had to turn down some of the graphics settings to get 60+ FPS on the triples, but the game still looks amazing.
I love Monaco!
Me to, but not in an F1 car...hats off to those that do it for real.
How 'bout an Austin Healey?
There is a lot of negativity towards the new game due to twitchiness and the braking. I belive that it can be sorted through some wheel setting changes (worked for me), not sure what Pad users are going to do though!! and the braking, I think it may be because you can now change your car's brake bias during the race, so people are locking up when if they changed the brake bias it wouldn't be so bad.
it is still very twitchy compared to 2011, but these cars should not be easy to drive at all so I take my hat off to them in that respect.
Il be getting it and playing offline, as to be honest, whenever I have joined a community in terms of F1, they all seem to think they know everything and there is very rarely a race where there aren't issues (either bugs/contact/cheating etc). Online play I will stick with Forza as I find it a far more enjoyable online experience.
I love everywhere in a Healey, and the thought of Monaco in a Healey for real is just bliss
See, we can agree on something!
I'm sure we would have a meeting of minds on many things Oldschool
Now anyone would think Oldschool and my self are forever disagreeing...I'm sure that is not true.
There's no way that is true. But "meeting of the minds", surely that's a streatch even for you Knight don't you think?.gif)
Yeah, he likes big knives, I like RWD obscene HP...oh, and bacon!
See I like bacon...though you can stick yer RWD right where your bacon emerges.gif)
Heh my wife is an active enabler of my racing, keeps me busy, safe and mostly happy. So that works for her.
If my wife started to encourage me to play more Forza I would really start to worry. Its either time for her to leave or she is shagging someone else.
+1 fella.gif)
Downloaded the demo last night and I like it!!! I might buy this one!
It´s very limited (Abu Dhabi was the only track to test) as demos always are, but I liked the way it looked and felt. Even though it doesn´t have final graphics and other stuff...Or at least that´s what they say...
I have run the F1 2012 demo for PC several times. The graphics are slightly better than F1 2011, but its not a huge difference. F1 2011 looks amazing. They also radically changed the interface and it does look cool. That being said, the force feedback does not feel as good with F1 2012 as it did with F1 2011. I probably will hold off for a while before I get F1 2012. I have not yet finished even one season in 2011.
I was playing the F1 2012 demo a few nights ago and I must say its a very fun game. FFB on my wheel was outstanding, graphics are good, the car feel is good. Overall a fun game... I kinda want to buy it lol.
Don't worry Fitzy these american folks don't know English.
Its ok Snappy after reading my post it sounded a bit tight.
I meant it in a fun upbeat way.
Like this-
Stop laughing at our words!.gif)