Screw Tripple Screens I want THIS!

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#1 Wed, 09/12/2012 - 10:59
mavictb's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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Screw Tripple Screens I want THIS!

I dont know if many of you guys follow closely in the tech world but there is a product headed our way in a year or two that I feel would make sim racing an epic experiance over single or even tripple screens.... Check it out


this is a kickstarter support ad video (Sorry for that) they were asking for 250k and got over 2 million and already have support from ID the makers of DOOM as well as other game developers.

here is another tech demo using the upcoming HAWKEN FPS mechwarrior style game.

Wed, 09/12/2012 - 11:49
LoboR1's picture
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Wed, 09/12/2012 - 11:45
Wheels's picture
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I would love it if the end product is as good as the hype!!laugh

Wed, 09/12/2012 - 11:48
emceechild's picture
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Wed, 09/12/2012 - 13:48
KnightofRedemption's picture
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That would be very cool for driving sims...and such small screens would take much less silicon grunt to run at high definitions as well.

Wed, 09/12/2012 - 15:46
SnappyDee's picture
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Wow!! Yeah, I'll be keeping an eye on this product for sure.
Wed, 09/12/2012 - 15:55 (Reply to #6)
Wheels's picture
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SnappyDee wrote:
Wow!! Yeah, I'll be keeping an eye on this product for sure.

Damn...It HAS to be cheaper that a 3 Screen set up!!!surprise...WHATTTTTT???

Wed, 09/12/2012 - 16:13
mavictb's picture
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the coolest thing IMO would be the real time head tracking... you could look around the cockpit and even follow curves to better hit apexes without having to look at a flat screen through the side of your eye. Obviously this product is in its infancy but it has got the support it needs to be produced, lets just hope that the "hype" was only to get the money they needed and they will back it up with a bad ass product.

Wed, 09/12/2012 - 17:07
Parcells2's picture
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What I'm curious about is how well will you be able to you see your actual surroundings with that gear on. You probably don't need to see your controller or wheel/pedals to play but they are in your peripheral vision while playing, it could take some serious getting used to. No way you can't see anything with them on (wouldn't sell - I hope) but just how much will it affect your game play. 


Wed, 09/12/2012 - 20:07 (Reply to #9)
SnappyDee's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

What I'm curious about is how well will you be able to you see your actual surroundings with that gear on. You probably don't need to see your controller or wheel/pedals to play but they are in your peripheral vision while playing, it could take some serious getting used to. No way you can't see anything with them on (wouldn't sell - I hope) but just how much will it affect your game play. 


Very good points. I'd be fine on the controller but not sure about using this with the wheel. My wife probably wouldn't like these, though. LOL.
Wed, 09/12/2012 - 18:33
oldrustybelly55's picture
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I'll stick to the triple screens. At least I can see where my drink is. And less chance of spilling bong water on the

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 10:30
KnightofRedemption's picture
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I was wondering how I'd get on with my wheel, I have every button mapped to a function, particularly in PC mode, but in a little test I rarely look at the wheel and use feel only...but I do use a Tablet to show car data rather than having them on screen...but I suppose because with this gadget you can see below where your monitors would end that becomes mute anyway...I can see car sickness being an issue, I have my triples very close so they just about fill my peripheral vision and when I first started using them on one or two sims, mostly Pcars for some reason I did feel a little ill when playing at the start.

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 12:01 (Reply to #12)
mavictb's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

I was wondering how I'd get on with my wheel, I have every button mapped to a function, particularly in PC mode, but in a little test I rarely look at the wheel and use feel only...but I do use a Tablet to show car data rather than having them on screen...but I suppose because with this gadget you can see below where your monitors would end that becomes mute anyway...I can see car sickness being an issue, I have my triples very close so they just about fill my peripheral vision and when I first started using them on one or two sims, mostly Pcars for some reason I did feel a little ill when playing at the start.

In theory the game developers could build a customizable HUD into the game specifically for this making the need for an external LCD unneeded.

as far as not seeing the wheel in front of you I can understand that and I'm sure that this product wouldn't be for everyone but for someone looking for the ultimate sim racing immersion this sounds like it may fit the ticket.

also someone was mentioning the proximity of the screen... these goggles use optics to make the screen appear to be about 6" away and 110 degrees field of view not to mention 3D.

In any case its not out yet, I just wanted to let the Forza/Sim people know that this sort of thing is on its way.

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 15:52
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Hmm I actually think that six foot could be an issue for driving, it would be like driving from the back seat of a giant car...interesting though, VR is the way forward and 3D is an obvious addition to immersion and racing accuracy.  Maybe they will have a way to bring that virtual screen closer, more the distance of the windscreen of a car...either way I will be on the lookout for them appearing in the shops smiley

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 21:48
mavictb's picture
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Im thinking that the final version will have some sort of optic adjustment to change simulated viewing distance. At least if I were a dev getting one of the dev kits for these googles I would suggest that. Some games need to appear closer some farther.

Sun, 09/16/2012 - 10:48
CProRacing's picture
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Looks good.


Will be able to see peoples rear quarter panels even better now :)

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