sunday tourny sept 16th ***rainbow stairwell***

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#1 Sun, 09/09/2012 - 16:02
fortunecase's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2008 - 23:00

sunday tourny sept 16th ***rainbow stairwell***

Because of the lack of coming up with some creative format we play RS next week124

For those of you who lived under a rock the last years:

Use a 1,2,3,4,5 and a 6 mana card for every color + colorless.

Thats 36 cards...add 24 lands and thats it......uhhh only 4 different non basic lands are allowed

see you next week137

Tue, 09/11/2012 - 09:12
parottthead's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2006 - 23:00

I like RS, but I'm going to be gone on Sunday. I'll try to get on a night or two this week if anyone wants to playtest though.



Thu, 09/13/2012 - 06:54
pearly_54's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 01/18/2006 - 23:00

I have a few of those decks.  Perhaps I can drop in for a while Sunday.  The news is that we finally have someone moving into our other house.  We wanted to sell, but after 2 years, we are renting to one of Gerry's co-workers.  The problem is we have to completely clean it out now, which we have put off doing for all this time.  Gerry is till working 6 days a week and I am also working waaaaay more than I want to.  So, to make a long story short, we will likely be packing and moving stuff out Sunday.  I will come and play if I can.  Cy'all!

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 12:35
parottthead's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2006 - 23:00

Jello, Nite, and I tested a little bit last night.

We did a 3man that was fun, but Jello had to leave early as apparently his kid has figured out how to unlock the closet door from the inside. Nite and I finished the game, with several board position swings; I had an All Suns Dawn in hand when he dropped a Bojoku Bog. My Day of Judgment worked well, but a few turns later he did an Extinction followd not long after by Life's Finale. It was a fun game!



Thu, 09/13/2012 - 15:41 (Reply to #4)
Jelloman79's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 09/16/2011 - 23:00

Hey nite and parott ,

Sorry about the bailout on you guys i had kids going wild  and a wife telling me to get off and deal with them72 wish i could have stayed sounds like a great game78 I'll be around 2nite i hope if you guys get back on .


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