Launch Trailer
Mon, 09/17/2012 - 19:49
Launch Trailer
Interesting to see the borderlands 1 characters featured in this trailer.... wonder what that means
Interesting to see the borderlands 1 characters featured in this trailer.... wonder what that means
[spoilers]They're all definitely featured as NPC in the game. The soldier guy early on needs to be rescued from a mobile prison thing. He then send you to Mordecai who provides sniping fire in the Wildlife exploitation preserve. The Siren is an important part of the overall story. I have not seen Brick in any of the gameplay I've seen at all, possibly appears at the end somehow.[/spoilers]
I wonder if there's a recurring theme in the game where you need to rescue or find/recruit the old vault hunters to wage the war they show at the end of the trailer as part of the successful endgame. That would be bad ass. I'd rather play as Lilith though than Maya, i miss Lilith and have a thing for redheads :lol:
That would be awesome. In all the interviews and panels I've watched, I'm always a little surprised that playing as the originals doesn't get mentioned as DLC. I'm really going to miss sending Bloodwing out there.
Made me tingly to see them fighting side by side. Even if they're just NPCs. How sweet would it be to have all 8 characters be playable at some point in the future, either as DLC, or in another sequel.