Halo 4 BR vs DMR vs Carbine vs Light Rifle (Nexy details killing times)
Sat, 09/15/2012 - 10:23
Halo 4 BR vs DMR vs Carbine vs Light Rifle (Nexy details killing times)
I didn't have time to post the details but you can get it easily from the source.
Of course, this is probably off. They haven't been able to sit down and measure this perfectly. This would probably change depending on the camera taking the video, for some operate at higher FPS than others, right?
As it stands now, the Battle Rifle certainly seems a little underpowered.
I think that's his point. When considering everything we've heard, the BR would be 'underpowered.' I have no idea o everything we've heard though other than the BR being better at short to mid and DMR mid to long. I honestly haven't heard or seen much about the Light Rifle.
You're also contending more with bullet spread and recoil withthe Battle Rifle, something you don't have to take into account with any of the other weapons.
Completely hypothetical question: would the Battle Rifle be underpowered in this sandbox if it wasn't hitscan, but a 4 shot kill again?
w/the BR, every bullet has to hit, and there is more error there.
It does seem underpowered a little compared to all the mega power weapons that have come about due to Promethean tech - many are one shot kills.
The vid if anyone wants to watch it.
IMO, yes it would, because then you would still need all your shots to land to be considered a 4 shot kill. Where as with hitscan 1 shot from the BR spread is just as good as 3 shots landing. That is if my memmory serves me correctly.
How do these compare to the kill times in Halo Reach?
1.6 seconds seems fast to me. By the time I realize I've been shot, I'd have a second and a half to either find cover, return fire, or just fall over.
You may want to prep for your study by doing REACH tests now and then comparing with Halo 4 in 7 weeks.
This stuff all seems moot to me. The way it is, the DMR will be the goto weapon for me, or the carbine...again. I used the carbine a LOT in h3, and will probably use it more now that I can use it as a loadout.
If it's all hitscan, it also won't be an issue. I like not having to lead shots in the game...makes it MUCh easier to deal with latency issues.
I was thinking the Light Rifle sounded like the best of both worlds with 3-shot burst and 1-shot semi-auto when zoomed before I'd seen these comparisons. The videos I've seen of LR gameplay, makes it seem like an great weapon. IF those stats are accurate, the LR may be the "go to" weapon.
It makes sense, with what we know/perceive to be the case, that it's a power weapon. I remember in Halo 2, when folks were modding things and shooting tank rounds with their Battle Rifles, that a much more sly way to come out on top regularly would be to mod it so your Battle Rifle shot 4 bullets per trigger pull, not three. Maybe the Light Rifle is that modded Battle Rifle.
Lest everyone forget, in the pre-beta Halo 2 days the BR was single shot zoomed in with a 3 shot burst unzoomed.
...Which is the odd part. Why make Sprint standard when you could just increase the movement speed? It would make more sense if Armor Lock were made standard or jetpack were made standard.
Why make two weapons when one weapon could take care of both roles? This looks to be a pretty crowded sandbox.
Also, I find REACH Sprint a more natural immersive experience over AL or Jetpack.
Simple choice.Like the gun with the big boom? Here you go.
How abouht the one with a fancy flash? Yep.
This one has lots of skinner butt space? I like fancy colours. Gimme.
DEEP's single shot Game Over gun? Oh yeah, where's Dixon hiding? (okay, this one doesn't fit but I'd pick it.)
MLG base speed is, what, 110% of normal speed? That seems to play pretty well. Nobody wants folks to jump around like fleas, with or without lag. You could still get around on a medium sized map pretty effectively. The key is to make it so you have multiple avenues to get there.
That simple choice doesn't make much sense. That simple choice could also be done with a less crowded sandbox. Alternate fire is practically done with the Boltshot and Plasma Pistol now, because of their charge, and it's been done in many other games. Sometimes that choice that you speak of is a bad thing. I'm not for the One Gun To Rule Them All method. That's been Bungie's problem this entire time, even with the Carbine in the sandbox. It appears that 343 has some ideas to put a few starting, primary weapons on par, which might be a little bit of overload.
All in all, I'm still cautiously optimistic. If there's at least a good game under a few layers of extra stuff, we can suss that out.
Frankie mentioned on NeoGAF that the sounds and sights of a weapon changes the way a player feels about their in-game performance. I believe it. Right now, based on the videos we've seen, I'd pick the DMR over the BR just because of it's sound. This should be a bad choice for me because the BR is a better weapon for a spray and pray guy like me.
To create scenarios.
For instance - A sword guy is sprinting around, and he takes out a buddy, and now his visor is on me..... but is out of sprint juice, If I have range (out of lunge targeting), I can either walk backwards and 5 shot him, or sprint, turn and and fire.
LOL reading this brought back childhood nightmares: A train leaves Chicago heading East at 70 mph, at the same time a bus leaves Atlanta heading North at 65 mph, which gun kills quicker?
This seems to be the real issue going on here. I mean, what else are you doing?
The BR is only 5 shots to kill at close range. Once you start getting a little distance a bullet might miss and you have to add another shot. I was standing on top of the white building on Complex and there was someone on the blue team not playing, it took 13 shots before they died.
the BR used to be 4 shots to kill if the last shot hit the head.
I'm going to have to research this thread because I know I have got many 4 shot kills with the DMR in matchmaking.
4 shot kill with the DMR... LOL
Well sadly now it's the new AR.
The AR is pretty nasty up close now, and has a bit more mid range punch. I've seen a couple of people picking it as a default secondary (with the firepower perk) on smaller maps.
The SAW is absolutely murderous though. It's easily my candidate for most overpowered weapon.
I can get 5 shot kills with the DMR and regularly, the BR not so much. To be honest it seems easier for me to hit the head five times with the DMR no matter the range, than it does the BR.
It's like the last bullet never hits or something.