A free copy of Borderlands 2 to the first correct answer
Tue, 09/18/2012 - 20:24
A free copy of Borderlands 2 to the first correct answer
The game was a pack-in downoload code that came with my new videocard but I already have the game so it would be wasted.
However, the first person to tell me the color of George Washington's white horse will receive the code.
Brnt took my guess so I'll go with silver.
Good tries, but it is, after all, a trick question. Keep going
Who are three people who haven't been in my kitchen.
Nelson was sorrel, Blueskin was a light, blueish grey.
Unicorn of choice - all 17 please!!!! ;)
2nd That!...Maybe there is another Unicorn Floating Around!!!

P.S. Kochino...YOU got CHEATED!!!
DefytheMachine gets it. Arabians are not recognized as white, only gray. I'll PM you the code this afternoon when I get home from work
I think I was beaten to it! El Kochino?
me too
my FORZA-LIFE story from 1st to last, even in the forums
Always Remember...RESPECT is PRICELESS...Winning Races Online...WORTHLESS!!!

British Racing Green?
Sorry I missed El_Kochinos' post. He did actually get it. My apologies to DefyTheMachine and props to Defy for calling me on it. And for the record, A British Racing Green stallion would be the SHIT.
No worries. El K, enjoy the game!
Congrats El_Kochino