Current WvWvW server Rankings

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#1 Thu, 09/13/2012 - 09:45
Lala Calamari's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Current WvWvW server Rankings started showing the Server ranks in WvWvW.  Here's the standings as of right now.


North American World Rankings
2132.171 Henge of Denravi
1952.644 Stormbluff Isle
1940.189 Eredon Terrace
1934.638 Jade Quarry
1729.114 Blackgate
1700.119 Isle of Janthir
1682.879 Sea of Sorrows
1646.364 Gate of Madness
1633.066 Crystal Desert
1564.007 Maguuma
1557.434 Fort Aspenwood
1528.095 Tarnished Coast
1521.522 Dragonbrand
1495.801 Sorrow’s Furnace
1475.709 Yak’s Bend
1453.539 Sanctum of Rall
1417.146 Ehmry Bay
1349.244 Darkhaven
1342.292 Anvil Rock
1153.872 Northern Shiverpeaks
1082.319 Borlis Pass
1079.313 Ferguson’s Crossing
917.602 Devona’s Rest
639.897 Kaineng

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 11:58
badmin's picture
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I'm interested to see where we end up now with week long battles

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 12:32
beefynutcase's picture
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It ain't been pretty for us the last few days... from my experience anyway.

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 20:33 (Reply to #3)
FadeIntoBlack's picture
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beefynutcase wrote:

It ain't been pretty for us the last few days... from my experience anyway.


worse than pretty...we were getting absolutely crushed every time I was online in every area...not just beat but destroyed...usually outnumbered 3 to 1 at every keep as well.

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 23:47 (Reply to #4)
beefynutcase's picture
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No kidding.  I've been in Eternal Battlegrounds several times today and it's been a massacre.  At one point this afternoon Crystal Desert controlled the entire map, the entire fucking map, they had siege engines pounding us right at our asura gates.  We couldn't even get out of there in significant numbers to assault anything. 

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 13:13
Lala Calamari's picture
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I haven't really checked since Friday night.  I'm a little annoyed that you can't get bigger groups than 5 in WvWvW.  It's the stupid short sighted shit like this that gets me with game devs.  And what makes it worse is that it's not a game issue.  You can buy the Commander book for 100g to form bigger squads.  100 gold?  GTFO.  We had about 12 people, we should be able to form a raid group and wreak havoc.  Hell, even SWToR had 40 man raid groups. 

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 14:31 (Reply to #6)
badmin's picture
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Lala Calamari wrote:

I haven't really checked since Friday night.  I'm a little annoyed that you can't get bigger groups than 5 in WvWvW.  It's the stupid short sighted shit like this that gets me with game devs.  And what makes it worse is that it's not a game issue.  You can buy the Commander book for 100g to form bigger squads.  100 gold?  GTFO.  We had about 12 people, we should be able to form a raid group and wreak havoc.  Hell, even SWToR had 40 man raid groups. 

I was under the impression that it didnt even allow that for commanders.  FRom what i heard anyone can get into that squad and none of them show up on the map.  It really is quite terrible.

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 06:22
Lala Calamari's picture
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This is apparantly not an uncommon thing.  Good idea on the 2 week battles.

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 10:52
beefynutcase's picture
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The problem seems to be getting paired up with a server that has a high Oceanic populaiton.  Right now Crystal Desert has a large Oceanic player base and I saw for myslef last night that during the night time hours they are fielding an entire team in WvW while we had maybe 30-50 people.  This is how they cap everything which then makes it almost impossible for us to take anything back during the day.  This seems to be a common problem for other servers as well, getting "night-capped" and being unable to recover from the enormous point deficit during normal hours.

The queue times were instant all day yesterday for me and I see why, there's no reason to go in there and get spawned camped and run up huge repair bills.  I hope this gets fixed somehow.

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 11:33
Lala Calamari's picture
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I can't believe there isn't a population limit of some sort.  WoW did it with Tol Barad.  If there were X horde in a game, only X Alliance could join.  It's a shame as WvWvW should be so epic.  They really shit the bed on it.

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 13:15
beefynutcase's picture
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Today's no different.  Crystal Desert controls about 98% of WvW objectives and have a 100,000 point lead on both Blackgate and Gates of Madness...  As much as I wanna WvW I'm not seeing the point.

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 13:36
Mullet7182's picture
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Hopefully WvW is just one of the many things they are doing hot fixes on.

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 14:04
Lala Calamari's picture
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LOL, it's rampant on all the servers.  What's crazy is during the daily resets, GoM was kicking ass.  Now you have one server control 98% while 2 others are stuck at the main spawn.  There seems to be a shit ton of issues with WvW.


One thing people are doing is putting a catapult inside a keep.  The AOE damage isn't stopped at the front gate, thus making rams impossible to build.  Had this been SWToR and EA/Bioware you'd see nothing but complaints. 


Hopefully they find a way to fix this somehow.

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 14:28
badmin's picture
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I had a long speech about how bad of a fuckup this is, but I accidently closed my browser.  So instead I'll just say, yeah, this sucks giant balls.

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 15:56
RickyBobby's picture
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"Night Capped" ......Love it. WvWvW is unplayable at this point. Just like most of the higher level DEs, and the buggy personal story quests, Bugged skill challenges that make completion impossible, and the Guardian trait lines. I hope they fix this stuff, but I have a feeling massive defections to PandaCon are going to throw any balance changes for a loop.

Wed, 09/19/2012 - 07:18
Lala Calamari's picture
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As of 11:00 PM EST, Battlegrounds looked fairly even.  Of course the one server still had a shit ton of points, but map control was spread out evenly.


I did not play as I'm trying to muscle through the last few levels.  (Might just cook my way to 80).

Wed, 09/19/2012 - 10:05
beefynutcase's picture
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Someone compiled some data of the current WvW scores and posted it on the GW2 forums:

Fort Aspenwood: 241k
Sanctum of Rall: 85k
Sorrow’s Furnace: 84k

Henge of Denravi: 171k
Stormbluff Isle: 127k
Jade Quarry: 109k

Northern Shiverpeaks: 340k
Devona’s Rest: 49k
Kaineng: 27k

Dragonbrand: 229k
Maguuma: 92k
Tarnished Coast: 87k

Ehmry Bay: 341k
Ferguson’s Crossing: 41k
Borlis Pass: 40k

Yak’s Bend: 285k
Darkhaven: 66k
Anvil Rock: 60k

Eradon Terrace: 298k
Isle of Janthir: 62k
Sea of Sorrows: 52k

Crystal Desert: 217k
Blackgate: 111k
Gate of Madness: 82k


Only one matchup is even competitive, the rest all have one server absolutely dominating the other servers.  Whether this is from night capping, bad server matching from Anet, or just the free transfers allowing everyone to jump ship to which ever server happens to be winning... I don't know, but the system is obviously not working.

Wed, 09/19/2012 - 10:30
badmin's picture
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I think it's going to take a long time to even out.  Even after that ArenaNet needs to seriously look at transfers and server balance with numbers.  In a game like WvWvW you can't have night capping, highpop Vs lowpop, and instant transfers.  They just can't sustain on this.  Last night was the first night I've been away from GW2 since launch (not counting the wedding I was at this weekend) and honestly I didn't care.  The seem to think broken WvWvW, grinding broken dungeons, and rerolling is enough content for people.  They're dead wrong.

Wed, 09/19/2012 - 12:00
Lala Calamari's picture
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You can't grind the dungeons anymore or DE's anymore.  They nerfed those.  I'm not sure wtf's goal is, but it's sure not to let  you play the game the way you want. 

Wed, 09/19/2012 - 21:09
T3muJin's picture
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I think what Lala is trying to say is he's ready to give your $60 back if he somehow convinced you to buy this crap game.

Wed, 09/19/2012 - 22:46
Lala Calamari's picture
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Oh hells no.  Besides, do game companies make good games anymore?

Wed, 09/19/2012 - 23:05
Lala Calamari's picture
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And don't forget, this game only costs $60.  There is no monthly subscription.  Nothing is held back, you don't have to buy squat after the initial purchase.  There is a lot to do in this game.  The kicker is some things need fixing.  WvWvW is really a wild departure to what I'm used to in MMO PvP.  Think of it as like Battlefield 3.  The maps are huge and there's so much involved in winning.  And what I've done, I really enjoy it.  I only wish they did it better.  I want to know why can't I bring my guild with me?  Why can't we have more than 5 in a WvW party?  There's just no reason behind it.  And poor decisions like that take away what's really a great game.


For those looking at trying out a MMO, getting GW2 is a good place to start.  You'll easily get $60 worth of enjoyment out of it. 

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 08:51
beefynutcase's picture
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Well, there were some pretty damn intense battles last night in WvW despite the crushing loss we're gonna face at the end of the week.  We had some pretty solid teamwork and made some real progress.  Oddly enough we were up against Blackgate all night.  You'd think since we're both getting raped so badly by Crystal Desert that we'd form a truce and just go after those cunts...

This game is fun as hell and I love WvW, which is why the issues it has are so frustrating.  I hope that after this week the night capping servers will all be paired up against each other and we can actually have a fighting chance against two new servers.

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 09:20 (Reply to #23)
Lala Calamari's picture
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beefynutcase wrote:

  Oddly enough we were up against Blackgate all night.  You'd think since we're both getting raped so badly by Crystal Desert that we'd form a truce and just go after those cunts...



This.  It's a shame there isn't Server Forums, that would be a good place to try to form an alliance.  Also, we should try to form a guild alliance on our server.  Get a little more coordinated with the other guilds.


I need to put some more time in WvW but I'm so close to 80.  I do think I need a break from leveling as I am getting a bit burned out with it.   We should work on getting a Guild night of WvW going.  Get all of us lame asses in a Battleground at the same time.

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:24
RickyBobby's picture
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I'm up for a Guild WvW night. That might put the spark back in the game

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:51
badmin's picture
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I was pretty set on having it Friday nights since we seemed to have such a large group of people last friday.  Is that good for everyone?

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:56 (Reply to #26)
FadeIntoBlack's picture
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admin wrote:

I was pretty set on having it Friday nights since we seemed to have such a large group of people last friday.  Is that good for everyone?


I gave this a like.

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 12:17 (Reply to #27)
Lala Calamari's picture
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FadeIntoBlack wrote:

admin wrote:

I was pretty set on having it Friday nights since we seemed to have such a large group of people last friday.  Is that good for everyone?


I gave this a like.


I gave this a like. 

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:28 (Reply to #28)
beefynutcase's picture
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Works for me.  I'm down for WvW or sPvP pretty much anytime I'm on.  I should have my Thief to 80 in a few days then I need to gear him up.

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:49
Sherb's picture
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Minimum level recommended for WvW?

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 12:17 (Reply to #30)
Lala Calamari's picture
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Sherb wrote:

Minimum level recommended for WvW?


I think 2, right?

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