Custom Hayabusa
Fri, 09/21/2012 - 16:32
Custom Hayabusa
A few months back I made a post about an airbrush artist that was going to paint my coworkers bike, today I finaly got some pics.
Personaly I wouldn't have stretched the bike this much, but overall I think it is an amazing bike!
Thats one bad ass bike!!
That looks sick! Love good airbrush work! And yeah, it's a bunch of stretch but these things need all the help they can get to keep from flipping!
Killer paint, but he needs to lose the stretch swing arm. They just look ridiculous.
The swingarm is needed for the type of riding guys with busas do. All straight line with those bikes. I rode a tubo busa years ago and it blew my mind how fast it was... faster than a TT viper.
Looks mental :D
Damn that's a shitload of rear chain! Great paint!