Halo "Design" for JAMN?
Sun, 09/16/2012 - 09:59
Halo "Design" for JAMN?
How can I jazz up a 2008 BMW M3 with a Halo/2old2play theme - for Forza v Halo-Tag Virus? Do you do design requests like the Graphics Lounge does Signatures? I figured out how to apply vinyl layers, maybe I just need a couple cool graphics? I could drop onto a few cars. Ideas? Thanks,
Kenjamin1 MI - JAMN (Team Halo)
I have a 2o2p logo I can send if you want to try your hand at painting.
Yes please! or give me a keyword to search for. Cool, Thanks!
Just send me a FR & I'll gift some stuff over to you. That way it will be unlocked & you can change anything you want.
How Great, thank you.
FR sent. Thanks again!
Something like this? This is an old one BTW...
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/oldschoolsmart/5633190732/]halo3[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/oldschoolsmart/]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
Very Cool - Oldschool!.gif)
Are any of those vinyls in your storefront? Any suggestions on doing marketplace searches for good looking logos? ...There are alot of crappy ones in there.
I bought the cars Church Pro says we'll use in the Forza v Halo matchup. I just started to customize them to let the other racers know it's ME!
Leaning towards a 2o2p/Halo theme, different graphics give me different ideas. Thanks!
I don't remember if I imported that over from Forza 3 or not. I'll have to look.
Sounds like the BMW may be out, looks like just a few cool graphics is the way to go.
I sent you the 2O2P logo along with some 2O$F logos as well.
Big Thanks to JCotter!!!! They are great, I also found some Halo items and other logos, ...at least my cars will 'look' good. ...to me.
Any chance, Church Pro will let us drive any American Cars...? - none on his list so far..gif)
American cars humm
Never even thought of that lol
That's American for wanker, if you didn't know...
Go Kenjamin!!!
Douche Bag
That's the formal face-to-face version. It's not what you want to be by choice.
But hey, what's the deal with bullocks? Bullocks? Dog's Bullocks? I get what bullocks are, ...so is it a 'good' or 'bad' thing?
I worked for a UK company awhile ago, if we'd been drinking we could barely understand each other.
yeah Douche is an informal, out on the town thing, Douche bag's generally a toe to toe thing...
No clue, and I been racing these guys over a year...
Dogs Bullocks + Uber Awesome
The Shit = Very Good
I hope this help's.
You got a paint job sorted Ken?
Sure, a few, Fun Stuff!
JCotter sent me some nice vinyls, I searched and discovered some more. Halo Logos, Killjoy, Road Rage, Splatter, Wheelman. I put them together with My Green Diamond Deuce on MSU green cars, all stickered-up like circus clown cars.
- See Me In Your Rearview!!!???
What kind of a race would it be without American muscle? Do the Halo guys know that this is a suicide mission? Don't forget to post the replays..I love suicide missions.
Looks like someone's vandalized your rear quarter there above the Dew sponsor! Heheh.
ha, good one...
I'm a fan of all the Big 10 Teams, until they play Michigan State! Go Green!
...sort of like, how the satin, lace and perfume of a wedding reception makes me want to visit strip clubs!.gif)
This Design and some of the graphics are in my community storefront. How am I doing???
SWEET !!! Nice work Ken !!!!
Nice work Ken!!
Okay, now we need to start on your Forzatography skilz... Nothing too complicated, just a couple angles to really show off the paint. 3/4 front / 3/4 rear is usually enough.
I won't even go into things like replay action shots, like these...
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/oldschoolsmart/8004983530/]Forza323[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/oldschoolsmart/]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/oldschoolsmart/8004983756/]Forza324[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/oldschoolsmart/]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
These can be quite addictive too!
Looks freaking fabulous BTW!
Yes, I like the motion blur shots.
I'll get better with the camera effects mode. Thanks for the support, I am so impressed with the designs you all do. Very cool stuff.
I've said before, I may not win the Forza races, but I'll look good trying.
Hey, that's my mantra! I also try to help the others around here look good too.
And they do try to help me get faster, I think that may be misplaced optimism though...