Slight Mishap
Sun, 09/23/2012 - 07:59
Slight Mishap
So i got up & made my coffe this morning. I went upstairs once it got ready 7 made myself a cup. Just as I stepped onto the stairs to come back down to the mancave, my fott slipped & I slid on my ass & elbows all the way down. Now it hurts to try & lift my arms & my shoulders are killing me.I don't think I'll be doing any driving today folks. Sorry.
Bad luck. Lay up with a beer and wait for things to improve.
I feel for ya man. I bit it hard on our stairs a bit back, so hard I tore down the handrail and a huge bruise across my whole back where the first hit was on the edge of the stair and knocking the wind out of me and rolling down them to the bottom lol. The ole lady was in the shower and thought the world was coming to an end, she started yelling at me in the shower wondering what was happening. I was still trying to catch my breath and crawling back up the stairs with scrapes and bruises etc while trying to answer her. Took a couple days to get back to normal, holy crap did I hit hard, feet flew up over my head before the hit.
My foot went from underneath me & I proceeded to slide down the entire stairway from the top step on my butt & elbows. Now my shoulder blades are killing me & it hurts to lift my arms much higher than my hips. I may be out of commission for a couple of days the way I'm feeling right now. I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow. I'm going to be sore as hell.
Damn...Get well soon buddy, hope it´s nothing serious!
Sorry to hear that Cotter, and no I did'nt push him its only on the track I might nudge him a little bit.
Ouch!! All I can say is ice down all day today. helps with the swelling.Oh. and find some good pain pills.
Ouch feel better soon!
Sorry Cotter. Take some ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help with the pain. I was in a car accident last Monday and my back stiffened up. Taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen helped a lot.
Get better soon cotter!
Shit man, sorry to hear that. I hope you don't feel too bad tomorrow. You go see a doctor yet?
Get better dude! Pills and booze will make you feel better, always does it for me anyway. You'll be back in race shape in no time!.gif)
You are not 18 anymore. A while back I did something similar. I then memorized all the number of stairs in my house and then even make sure mentally of where my foot placement is when I'm putting them down. At my age and I'm afraid yours too a broken bone anywhere just doesn't heal like when we were teenagers. If ever. Welcome to the mature racing clan where something hurts every day.
I look foward to this
Hey Cotter, something bery simple. Drink lots of water. It helps remove toxins from your system and with bruising, it will help speed upthe healing. And I mean LOTS of water. not just a glass or two a day. (Wife's orders). Sorry for your pain, hope you didn't do anything serious.
Weell It's 24 hours later & I'm sore as hell. Mainly in my shoulders since my elbows & sholder blades took the brunt of the fall. I doubt that I'll be doing any driving for at least a week. So keep things going here for me folks. You might see me online, but don't be offended if I don't come race. Maybe I'll try my hand at painting or a few days while I recover. If anybody needs me, just shout or send me a message. I'll be checking in.I'm also going to lay out from work this week.
dammn this is the moment i might win from you XD...happend to me like 5 months ago...too bad we have that structure paint on the skin is still sticking to the wall hahaha....well hope it feels better asap man...know how you feel
Getting older sucks indeed. Something like this wouldn't have phased me a5 years ago lol.
I just took a faceplant down the steps at work on my way to lunch...getting old sucks.
Got my hands under me, so my profiles still perfect, but my right hands pissed off and a bit swollen. Comon opinion is not broke, just bruised and swollen...
Guess I'll work on those cars for Tourni...
Maybe the High School has an open swim for you. It's easy on on the joints. The bones not the smoke kind.
There's a water aerobics after practice, but I'm not ready to admit I'm that old yet...
Shitty indeed, try a large dosage of Ibuprofen. In normal pain killing doses it does not kick in the anti inflammatory effect, so one dose of 800 to 1200mg will. I do this when I need to be active beyond the norm to keep my back quiet, it has no long term derogatory effect and works. I use this in preference to the opiate analogs my doctor prescribed and when I told him he admitted it may well be a better treatment and now prescribes me high dosage Ibuprofen.
Yep, I've been eating Ibuprofen like candy the past few days. I've got hydrocodone, but they relly don't seem to do as much for me as the ibuprofen. I'm still sore as hell & can't lift my arms much, but the pain has susided considerably..most of the soreness is gone now, but I still can't lift my arms much. It feels like every muscle from my sholder blades to my elbows has been pulled.I think it's mainly from tensing up when I fell.
Ah, when we were young we just bounced, now...not so much. Hope you feel better soon, and take that dosage in one hit rather than say 200 or 400 every few hours. It needs that large concentration to work on inflamation.